Securing Northern Futures
This conference highlighted information exchange and partnerships in research. Issues addressed: climate warming; contaminants; forestry; fisheries; petroleum and mineral extraction; wilderness allocation and wildlife migration; resource development, co-management and sustainability; colonization; land claims; devolution; self-government and ethnic relations; traditional knowledge; land use; health concerns; empowerment issues; and food and nutrition studies. Welcoming Remarks by Clifford G. Hickey. Opening and Keynote Addresses by: Harriet Johnlein; Stewart J. Cohen; Noel Broadbent; Stephen R. Edwards; and T. Kue Young. Papers by: S.Y. (Joe) Ahmad, Jaida Edwards, and Alexandra Thomson; Helen Fast and Fikret Berkes; David G. Malcolm and Ross W. Wein; Richard Langlais; Mark V. Prystupa; Gurston Dacks and Marina Devine; Steven Smyth; Ivar Jonsson; Christopher Hannibal-Paci; Wendy Parkes; R. Wesley Heber; Bruce J. Slusar; Sophie Morse; Nancy Gibson and Ginger Gibson; Leslie Main Johnson; Timothy W. Lambert, Colin L. Soskolne, Vangie Bergum, John Dussetor, and Steve E. Hrudey; Sandra Malcolm and B.A. Hainstock; Lia Ruttan; Cornelius Ballentyne and Sandra Malcolm; Cornelius Ballentyne and Sandra Malcolm; John Jaychandran, Helga Madsen, and Eddie Kolausok; Michael Kim Zapf; David Malcolm and Colin Bonnycastle; Vivian Manasc; Jaqueline Pruner; Jim Webb; Claudia Notzke; David J. Parks and Theresa A. Ferguson; Lois Edge, C. Weber-Pillwax, D. Makokis, and B. Beatty; and David Malcolm and Heather Acres.