The Ship That Never Was
"The United States Merchant Marine provided the greatest sealift in history between the production army at home and the fighting forces scattered around the globe in World War II. The prewar total of 55,000 experienced mariners was increased to over 215,000 through U. S. Maritime Service training programs. Merchant ships faced danger from submarines, mines, armed raiders, and destroyers, aircraft (kamikaze), and the element. About 8,300 mariners were killed at sea, 12.00 wounded of whom at least, 1, 100 died from their wounds, and 663 men and women were taken prisoner. Some were blown to death, some incinerated, some drowned, some froze and some starved. Many died in prison camps or aboard Japanese ships while being transported to other camps. 31 ships vanished without a trace to a watery grave. ( Total killed estimated 9,300) "