Tris 3
This is the third installment of Tris, the intriguing new sequel to the “Alexei” series. Previously, Tris survived the clutches of a wicked angel, brought down the evildoing of his manipulative uncle, and redeemed himself in the eyes of those on the island. Tris is now suddenly confronted with a girl who is also a child-angel. Lara is on the run from a small U.S. military group, who have been her captors since she first developed her wings. They call on guardian Mykael and other senior angels to help thwart the military’s attempts to recapture Lara, but events take a surprising turn when she reveals that she has a twin brother, Rylan, whom she hasn’t seen for almost five years, ever since he was adopted by another family. Aware that Rylan might also have angelic abilities, Tris and Andrew immediately begin a search for him, starting in New York. Knowing that Rylan had also been brutalised by Pastor Isaac and is on the run from his abusive parents, as well as a deviant child psychiatrist, they soon uncover an illegal network trafficking abducted children. copyright [©] 2021 Auckland, New Zealand