A Parent/Teacher Guide to Children's Books on Peace and Tolerance
How do you teach children to value peace and appreciate diversity? One way is to provide them with books with themes that promote these ideas. The Parent / Teacher Guide to Children's Books on Peace and Tolerance offers readers a wide variety of award-winning titles along with annotations and grade level recommendations. The book is divided into the following sections: Preschool - grade three Grades 4 - 6 Middle school, and High school. Each section has over 100 listings. Topics include civil rights, the Holocaust, slavery, Native Americans, bullying, war, child abuse, bigotry, cooperation, acceptance, apartheid, family relationships, Arab/Israeli conflict, controlling anger, the Civil War, the Vietnam War, WWII, gays and lesbians, and other social issues. Many of these books are the recipients of the following awards and honors: Newbery Award, School Library Journal (starred review), Caldecott Award, Boston Globe Horn Book Award, American Library Association Notable Book, Jane Addams Children's Book Award, American Bookseller - Pick of the List, Kirkus Reviews (starred review), Publishers Weekly (starred review), Booklist (starred review), Coretta Scott King Award, VOYA Top Picks, National Book Award, and the Michael L. Printz Award. This guide is an excellent resource for parents who would like their children to become peace-loving, accepting adults. Teachers who are looking for books to supplement their curriculum will find the suggested titles to be among the best written works in the designated areas. For example, one would be hard pressed to find a better written book on the Holocaust for middle and high school students than I Have Lived One Thousand Years. The author has done a great service by providing parents and teachers with a list of books that cannot be found anywhere else.