Older Adults in Psychotherapy
What is it like to counsel the older client? What issues are most often addressed? What mistakes, pitfalls, and oversights can be made in counseling the older client? And which counseling techniques work best with older adults? Reassuring to both new and experienced practitioners and students, Older Adults in Psychotherapy reaffirms what working with the older client is all about. Older Adults in Psychotherapy vividly presents 20 case histories of older people in psychotherapy. Written to stand alone or in conjunction with Bob Knight's successful volume Psychotherapy with Older Adults, this volume covers many important issues including depression, grieving, preparation for death, caregiving issues, anxiety, sexuality, and long-term mental disorders. In each chapter the case presentation is followed by an explication of the content themes as well as a specific discussion on rapport building, treatment techniques used in the case, gerontological issues, and transference issues. Also introduced is a maturity/specific challenge model for thinking about therapy with the elderly. Through the insightful presentation of case histories, Knight helps practitioners and students in gerontology, social work, psychiatry, psychology, nursing, and health care become more sensitive to the needs of older clients and more effective in their treatment techniques. "The book makes an important contribution to the field. It will be useful to therapists in training from a variety of disciplines (for example social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and geriatric nurse practitioners); to faculty members involved in training new professionals in these disciplines; and to current practitioners in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, social work, and nursing who want to extend and expand their expertise in aging. All of these audiences will find the material very useful, very accessible with clear implications for their day-to-day practice ... This is a very important book on a timely and important topic." --Michael A. Smyer, The Pennsylvania State University "The case histories vividly demonstrate the mix of medical, social, and psychological problems, and that in itself will make a strong contribution to the field ... Practitioners at all levels can learn something both from what Knight does and doesn't do in his case histories. It should be a particularly illuminating experience for beginning therapists." --Ruth Campbell, The University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor "Older Adults in Psychotherapy definitely makes a distinct contribution in the field! Real, 'full-bodied' cases about elderly people are hard to find. I would buy the book and inform colleagues about it and I would use it as a text in classes (such as Counseling Older Adults) . . . . There is an impressive willingness on Dr. Knight's part to describe his own feelings, failings, oversights, etc.! He comes through as emotionally accessible and believable as a therapist. It would be wonderful for students, in training, to read such accounts--and for those of us long-graduated to be reassured that others, also, deal with these issues." --Sandra M. Powers, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro "Throughout the book, Knight adopts a very honest and personal style and he is not afraid to include his feelings or the shortcomings in his work. His open rejection of a loss-deficit model of ageing in favour of one emphasizing growth toward maturity ... is refreshing, optimistic, and in my experience more accurate. Certainly this is a book that will resonate with those familiar with this population, as well as being a useful source of inspiration for those new in this area." --Clinical Psychology Forum.