Bill Morgan Papers
Contains Morgan's files of correspondence with various persons and organizations mostly concerning requests for assistance related to his work and research on Allen Ginsberg. Also contains a small number of poems, broadsides, typescript and manuscript drafts with edits, and correspondence with other authors concerning their work. Poems in the collection include those by Richard Wilbur, Ted Berrigan, Julian Beck, and others. Also includes some publications, including one issue of Marijuana Review (Jan.-June 1971, Vol. 1, No. 6) inscribed to Morgan by the editor, and one audio-cassete tape, "Powaqqatsi", with the cover insert autographed by the composer, Philip Glass. Also includes one portfolio volume containing flyers, announcements, and programs for poetry related events, many featuring Allen Ginsberg, and a small amount of materials related to Ginsberg's concern for Dr. Timothy Leary.