Angels: How to Create a Mind (of Spiritual Self-Esteem): Divination Exposed, King Saul and the Witch of Endor
The art of divination has been the practice of many people in several cultures for centuries. This book will be looking at some occult divination, which seeks knowledge through the assistance of spirit helpers, mediums, witchdoctors, and their supernatural agencies. In addition, it will seek to give us some answers to many of the challenges of the occult craft of conjuration and wizardry illusions commonly associated with spiritualism, witchcraft, and ceremonial magic. The book is the second part of our cosmic warfare series on angels that we hope will educate our readers about the nature of the psychic phenomenon associated with voodoo, spells, fortune-telling, magic, etc. The God of the universe gave humankind the free will and coexistent religious tolerance to practice witchcraft (or any other religion). However, since demons and fallen angels claim to be God, the Almighty Creator has made it clear that we must all take responsibility for whatever we believe, both now and in the afterlife. Furthermore, each must coexist peacefully without disturbing another person (read this divine policy of grace in Yeshua's parable of the wheat and the tares in Mathew 13: 24-30). This second book in the series on angels is a must-read guidebook in comparative religion. We hope it will inform and equip the diligent with information about deliverance from the powers of darkness. In our modern society, many live with the fear of witchery and magical spells. We believe this material will empower you, first of all, with the knowledge that will enable you, the reader, to understand the truth about these occult psychic phenomena and manipulations. Secondly, the contents of this unique series will teach people how to use their authority in Jesus the Messiah to overcome these enemies. All over the world, millions of people desire assistance from the kingdom of darkness in the time of adversity. Many Bible students and scholars have speculated about King Saul, the witch of Endor, and the spirit visitors that night. Who were the spiritual personalities that appeared in that witchery scene at Endor? This book has a narrative about that historic event that may puzzle your imagination.