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Families in Context
Families in Context
First Published in 1998. The past decade has seen an unparalleled interest in (and accompanying debate around) the role, rights and responsibilities of families. In the UK (as in many other countries), the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has stimulated new interest in children's rights and family policy. It also provides a framework for early identification and intervention, in particular identifying key themes which need to run through any policy developments. These four themes are: participation, provision, protection and community. This book explores these themes.
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Public Values and Public Interest
Public Values and Public Interest
Economic individualism and market-based values dominate today's policymaking and public management circles—often at the expense of the common good. In his new book, Barry Bozeman demonstrates the continuing need for public interest theory in government. Public Values and Public Interest offers a direct theoretical challenge to the "utility of economic individualism," the prevailing political theory in the western world. The book's arguments are steeped in a practical and practicable theory that advances public interest as a viable and important measure in any analysis of policy or public administration. According to Bozeman, public interest theory offers a dynamic and flexible approach that easily adapts to changing situations and balances today's market-driven attitudes with the concepts of common good advocated by Aristotle, Saint Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, and John Dewey. In constructing the case for adopting a new governmental paradigm based on what he terms "managing publicness," Bozeman demonstrates why economic indices alone fail to adequately value social choice in many cases. He explores the implications of privatization of a wide array of governmental services—among them Social Security, defense, prisons, and water supplies. Bozeman constructs analyses from both perspectives in an extended study of genetically modified crops to compare the policy outcomes using different core values and questions the public value of engaging in the practice solely for the sake of cheaper food. Thoughtful, challenging, and timely, Public Values and Public Interest shows how the quest for fairness can once again play a full part in public policy debates and public administration.
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Sociological Interpretations of Education
Sociological Interpretations of Education
This book, first published in 1985, provides a clear readable account of the principal sociological approaches to education. It is organised around the three main sociological perspectives on education: the Durkheimian and Functionalist, the Marxist and the Interpretative. It concentrates on the most important and interesting writers within each
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When Federalism Works
When Federalism Works
Twenty years ago cooperative federalism, in the form of federal grant-in-aid programs administered by state and local governments, was applauded almost without reservation as the best means of helping the handicapped, the educationally disadvantaged, the poor, and other groups with special needs. More recently these same programs have been criticized for excessive regulations and red tape, bureaucratic ineptitude, and high cost. The criticisms have been used to justify efforts to curb federal domestic spending and terminate many grants-in-aid. In When Federalism Works, Paul E. Peterson, Barry G. Rabe, and Kenneth K. Wong examine the new conventional wisdom about federal grants. Through documentary research and hundreds of interviews with local, state, and federal administrators and elected officials, they consider the implementation and operation of federal programs for education, health care, and housing in four urban areas to learn which programs worked, when, and why. Why did rent subsidy programs encounter seemingly endless difficulties, while special education was a notable success? Why did compensatory education fare better in Milwaukee than in Baltimore? Among the factors the authors find significant are the extent to which a program is directed toward groups in need, the political and economic circumstances of the area in which it is implemented, and the degree of professionalism among those who administer it at all levels of government. When Federalism Works provides a solid introduction to the most important grant-in-aid programs of the past twenty years and a thoughtful assessment of where they might be going.
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Town and Country Planning in the UK
Town and Country Planning in the UK
This revised fourteenth edition reinforces this title's reputation as the bible of British planning. It provides a through explanation of planning processes including the institutions involved, tools, systems, policies and changes to land use.
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The Holocaust & the Exile of Yiddish
The Holocaust & the Exile of Yiddish
In the early 1930s in Berlin, Germany, a group of leading Eastern European Jewish intellectuals embarked upon a project to transform the lives of millions of Yiddish-speaking Jews around the world. Their goal was to publish a popular and comprehensive Yiddish language encyclopedia of general knowledge that would serve as a bridge to the modern world and as a guide to help its readers navigate their way within it. However, soon after the Algemeyne entsiklopedye (General Encyclopedia) was announced, Hitler’s rise to power forced its editors to flee to Paris. The scope and mission of the project repeatedly changed before its final volumes were published in New York City in 1966. The Holocaust & the Exile of Yiddish untangles the complicated saga of the Algemeyne entsiklopedye and its editors. The editors continued to publish volumes and revise the encyclopedia’s mission while their primary audience, Eastern European Jews, faced persecution and genocide under Nazi rule, and the challenge of reestablishing themselves in the first decades after World War II. Historian Barry Trachtenberg reveals how, over the course of the middle decades of the twentieth century, the project sparked tremendous controversy in Jewish cultural and political circles, which debated what the purpose of a Yiddish encyclopedia should be, as well as what knowledge and perspectives it should contain. Nevertheless, this is not only a story about destruction and trauma, but also one of tenacity and continuity, as the encyclopedia’s compilers strove to preserve the heritage of Yiddish culture, to document its near-total extermination in the Holocaust, and to chart its path into the future.
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The Evolution of International Security Studies
The Evolution of International Security Studies
International Security Studies (ISS) has changed and diversified in many ways since 1945. This book provides the first intellectual history of the development of the subject in that period. It explains how ISS evolved from an initial concern with the strategic consequences of superpower rivalry and nuclear weapons, to its current diversity in which environmental, economic, human and other securities sit alongside military security, and in which approaches ranging from traditional Realist analysis to Feminism and Post-colonialism are in play. It sets out the driving forces that shaped debates in ISS, shows what makes ISS a single conversation across its diversity, and gives an authoritative account of debates on all the main topics within ISS. This is an unparalleled survey of the literature and institutions of ISS that will be an invaluable guide for all students and scholars of ISS, whether traditionalist, 'new agenda' or critical.
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Bailout Nation
Bailout Nation
An engaging look at what led to the financial turmoil we now find ourselves in Bailout Nation offers one of the clearest looks at the financial lenders, regulators, and politicians responsible for the financial crisis of 2008. Written by Barry Ritholtz, one of today's most popular economic bloggers and a well-established industry pundit, this book skillfully explores how the United States evolved from a rugged independent nation to a soft Bailout Nation-where financial firms are allowed to self-regulate in good times, but are bailed out by taxpayers in bad times. Entertaining and informative, this book clearly shows you how years of trying to control the economy with easy money has finally caught up with the federal government and how its practice of repeatedly rescuing Wall Street has come back to bite them. The definitive book on the financial crisis of 2008 Names the culprits responsible for this tragedy-from financial regulators to politicians Shows how each bailout throughout modern history has impacted what happened in the future Examines why the consumer/taxpayer is left suffering in an economy of bubbles, bailouts, and possible inflation Ritholtz operates a hugely popular blog, Scathing, but fair, Bailout Nation is a voice of reason in these uncertain economic times.
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Ethics and the Practice of Architecture
Ethics and the Practice of Architecture
From theory to practice a unique, well-rounded guide to ethics fortoday s architect How does an architect assist a community in evaluating alternativedesigns? Resolve a dispute with a contractor? Take into account aproject s impact on the natural environment? When it comes to questions like these, making decisions about whatought to be done or what is the "best" or "right" solution requiresmore than sound technical knowledge and strong design talent. Itdemands a solid understanding of the ethical issues that lie at theheart of architectural practice. Ethics and the Practice of Architecture offers a complete,broad-based introduction to this crucial subject. First, itexamines basic ethical theories and their application toarchitecture, and discusses different ways of identifying ethicalcontent in architecture. Bridging the gap between theory andpractice, the second part of the book surveys differentprofessional settings and building project processes thatfrequently hold ethical concerns, and charts the ethical mandatesthat arise from them. In the final section of the book, thirty case studies explore awide range of ethical dilemmas encountered in architecturalpractice, with useful guidance on how to work through themeffectively. Arranged by topics that span the key phases of aproject from pre-design through post-occupancy evaluation, thesecase studies allow a detailed look at ethical concerns in real-lifesituations where multiple issues are often at stake. Providing a practical framework for the exploration of ethicalissues in architecture today, Ethics and the Practice ofArchitecture is an excellent resource for present and futurearchitects in all areas of the field.
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The Steward of Christendom
The Steward of Christendom
THE STORY: The fifth play in a cycle of plays about the author's Irish family, THE STEWARD OF CHRISTENDOM is a freely imagined portrait of the author's great-grandfather, Thomas Dunne, the last Chief Superintendent of the Dublin Metropolitan Police
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