Hilly Rose
Hilly Rose -- a space version of Brenda Starr -- is a reporter hot on the trail of Space Sector disasters -- Collects for the first time in book form the first five Hilly Rose comics Hilly Rose, space reporter, is a rising star in intergalactic journalism -- she can scarcely turn around without getting exclusive stories on the recent disasters plaguing the Space Sector. There are the AstroShip crashes, the Mall explosions, and the ZoomoTrain wrecks, and it's Hilly's reporting for the Daily Horn that the world turns to for news on each tragedy. Then, as she investigates the gangland shooting at Chapman's Bar and Grill -where Hilly just happened to be having lunch with her father when the shooting began -- she uncovers some horrifying news: Her father, Steeltrap Rose, publisher of the Daily Horn, may be paying the evildoers for their catastrophic deeds to increase his circulation. At first, Hilly refuses to believe that her father, who raised her with undying devotion since the death of her mother when she was a young girl, is the cause of the tragic disasters. But as the evidence begins to mount, Hilly and her cartoon companions, Bach, Blossom, Chemicals, and Cammy, the flying videocam, get closer and closer to the mastermind behind all the destruction. In their investigative forays, they must tangle with the frightening Nurse Prachett, the publicity-hungry Mr. Jean-Claude, and a host of other bizarre space-age characters. As Hilly and her wacky sidekicks continue to dig deeper for clues, danger gets closer. Their search for the truth brings them up against Steeltrap's hired thugs, the Stranger, the Weasel Boys, and Sidney, the Evil Incarnate Guy. Meanwhile, Steeltrap findshimself losing control over his hired hands -- and the entire situation.