Neonatology at a Glance
Neonatology at a Glance provides a concise, illustratedoverview of neonatal medicine. Written by leading internationalexperts, it provides essential information on perinatal medicine,delivery, the normal newborn infant and neonatal problemsencountered in neonatal intensive care units and theirmanagement. Each topic is supported by excellent illustrations, diagrams, and,for the first time, video clips to show neonatal resuscitation andstabilizing the sick newborn, normal examination, the baby withhypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, recognition of seizures andpractical procedures. Neonatology at a Glance: • Provides up to date coverage of the importantconditions you will encounter • Covers challenging topics including pain, ethicalissues, quality improvement, evidence based medicine and palliativecare • Features new sections on fetal medicine, respiratorysupport, therapeutic hypothermia, amplified EEG and perinatalneuroimaging • Integrates invaluable details about practicalprocedures including neonatal resuscitation and transport • Supplemented by video materials and artwork which canbe viewed via the companion website Neonatology at a Glance is the perfect guide for all healthprofessionals looking after newborn infants, including pediatrictrainees, medical students, neonatal nurse practitioners andneonatal nurses, therapists and midwives. For neonatologists,pediatricians and nurse tutors it is a valuable resource to assistwith teaching.