Proceedings of the 21st IVR World Congress, Lund, Sweden, 12-17 August, 2003: Justice
Selected Articles B. McLachlin: Imagining the Other: Legal Rights and Diversity in the Modern World A. R. Bernstein: Rawls' Law of Peoples on Just War, Human Rights and Toleration C. Brown: Decent Peoples, Outlaw States, Burdened Societies Kok-chor Tan: Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in The Law of Peoples A. Macleod: Rawls on Human Rights D. A. Reidy: Rawls on Global Economic Justice I. Trujillo: How Can the International Duty of Assistance Be Justified F. J. Blazques Ruiz: Derechos humanos, Globalizacion, Migraciones J. A Baker: The Conceptual Geography of Restorative Justice H. Khatchadourian: Compensation & Reparation as Forms of Compensatory Justice R. Madrid: Deconstruction and Universality of Law B. Bravo Lira: Fortdauer und Problematik des Rechtsstaats in Iberoamerika R. Tamayo: Rights, Distribution, and Access to Justice I. B. Flores: Assessing Democracy and Rule of Law: Access to Justice R. Vazquez: On Equality and Education S. Morimura: The Nature of Obligation to Future Generations F. Fernandez-Creuhet Lopez: Good Practice: a Critical View M. J. Falcon y Tella: The Presumption of Innocence and Civil Disobedience C. B. Gray: Two Visions of Equality a.o.