Environmental disaster as well as degradation of natural resource has become the global problem. Accelerated conversion of forests with rapid industrialization and urbanization, intensive agriculture, over-explotation, overgrazing, mining and other human activities have resulted in the degradation of both the land and water resources. Environmental disaster is a key threat to socio-economic development (especially in developing countries). This book is the compilation of esteemed articles of internationally acknowledged experts in the field of aquatic biology with the intention of providing a sufficient depth of the subject to satisfy the needs at a level which will be comprehensive and interesting. The present book will be useful to the student, research scholars, scientists in the field of Environmental management and ecoplanners, politicians and other people with similar interest. Contents Chapter 1: Contamination Impact of Chemicals Produced by Moulds by Kailash Kumar Sah & Arvind Kumar; Chapter 2: Impact of Heavy Metals on Algal Flora in Effluent Channel Balanagar, Hyderabad by P Manikya Reddy and D Venugopal Rao; Chapter 3: Studies on Some of the Commercially Important Fishes Caught in the Hobt Rigged with Different Categories of Bridle Lengths by Jaya Naik, B Hanumanthappa and R M Prabhu; Chapter 4: Efficiency of Micro-irrigation in Cane Culture: An Agroclimatic Study for Pune by S Venkataraman; Chapter 5: Length-weight Relationship and Relative Condition Factor of Freshwater Fish Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton) from Sadatpur Lake Near Pravaranagar, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra by B A Pawar and U H Mane; Chapter 6: Trypanosome Infection and Some Associated Physiological Changes in an Indian Cat-fish, Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus) by Jhuma Saha, Nimai Chandra Saha, Tushar Kanti Mukhopadhyay, Trilochan Midya and Nirmal Kumar Sarkar; Chapter 7: Effect of Nerium odorum Soland, on the Periodicity of Estrous Cycle in Female Albino Rats by Dixit Mukesh and A O Prakash; Chapter 8: Transport and Transformation of Urea Based Fertilizers in an Inceptisol of Orissa by A K Dash, B K Mishra, M Jena and B B Behera; Chapter 9: Genotoxic Effects of 2,4-D and Modifying Effects of Vitamin C Tested in the Somatic Cells of High Bioactivation Strains of Drosophila melanogaster by Niraj K Tripathy; Chapter 10: Seasonal Analysis in the Water Quality of River Ganga by Afreen Zafr and Naheed Sultana; Chapter 11: Effect of Acetazolamide on Body Weight, Organ Weight and Biochemical Parameters in the Kidney of Albino Rat by M Maheshwar and P K Singh; Chapter 12: Study of Flowers of Various Varieties of Hibiscus rosa-sinesis L as an Anti-Solar by S B Patil, m S Kondawar, N S Naikwade and C S Magdum; Chapter 13: Studies on the Impact of Lignite Flyash on Greengram in Pond Ash by N Senthilkumar, S Srinivasan and S Krishnaprabhu; Chapter 14: Study on Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Mycotoxins on Seeds of Mustard (Brassica nigra Koch) by S K Ghosh and C Sengupta; Chapter 15: Growth Performance and Mass Multiplication of Antidiabetic Gymnema Species of Sirumalai Hills by M Poonkothai and R Kumuthakalavalli; Chapter 16: The Role of Proton Driven Antiporters in Na+Resistance and pH Homeostasis in the Lithium-resistant (Li+-R) Mutant of the Cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum by Santosh Bhargava and Rity Thakur Bais; Chapter 17: Effects of Neem Leaf Extract on Growth Characteristics and Organic Constituents of Trigonella foenum-graceum, L by S L Khapke, R K Aher, D A Bandal, G V Vyavahare, Y b Agre, D B Shelka and Miss R K Shaikh; Chapter 18: Toxic Effect of High Chromium Intake on the Human Body and Chromium Removal from Water with Low Cost Adsorbents by Jyotsna Lal and Kanchan Sachan; Chapter 19: Influence of PH, Temperature, Carbon and Nitrogen Sources on the Growth of Fungal Species Isolated from Textile Dye Effluent Contaminated Soils by S Devarajan and S M Hameed Sulaiman; Chapter 20: Effect of Triazole on Growth and Chlorophyll Pigments in Radish by R Sridharan, A Kishorekumar, R Somasundaram, P manivannan, G M Alagu Lakshmanan, M Gomathinayagam and R Panneerselvam; Chapter 21: Saccharification Studies by a Thermophilic Fungus Sporotrichum thermophile Isolated from Agriculture Waste of Bhopal by Rajhans Singh, Namita Singh, Anil Prakash and Sarika Poonia; Chapter 22: fly Ash-soil Amendment Technique: A Harbinger to Enhanced Vegetable Production in Jharkhand by N Tripathi, P K Mishra, R S Singh and P S M Tripathi; Chapter 23: Noise-induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) Among Flourmill Workers: A Case Study of Jalgaon City, Maharashtra by S B Attarde and S T Ingle; Chapter 24: Allelopathic Potential of Vicia sativa L on Germination, Growth and Dry Matter Production in Wheat by A Rahman and Musarrat Jabeen; Chapter 25: The Role of Abiotic Factors in the Distributional Patterns of Acarina and Collembola in the Sub-tropical Forest Ecosystem of Manipur by Ch Chitrapati and Th Binoy Singh; Chapter 26: Influence of Ecological Factors to the Agroecosystem of Paddy in Imphal Valley: Special Reference to Biomass by S R Singh, P Rukamani Devi, N B Devi, W K Devi and N S Devi; Chapter 27: Effect of Different Layouts and Mulches on Green Yield of Turmeric cv Salem by V T Yamgar, M S Shirke and P S Patil; Chapter 28: Genetic Diversity Studies in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L Wap) by H N Shinde, K V Sushir, S B Kharbade and M D Tandale; Chapter 29: The Incidence of Helminth Parasites in Amphibian and Reptilian Population from Rohilkhand Region, India by Pooja Chandra, Neelima Gupta and Manju Bhaskar; Chapter 30: Studies on the Effect of Graded Levels of NaCI on in vitro IAA Production, Wheat Germination and Salinity Associated Soil Parameters by N S Kulkarni, m G Bodhankar, R B Somani and J V Jaiswal; Chapter 31: Influenced of Hydrographic Features on Pelagic Fisheries Along Dakshina Kannada Coast by T V Ramana and M P M Reddy; Chapter 32: Biodiversity of Aphids (Order:Hemiptera) from Satara District of Western Ghats by B V Jadhav and T V Sathe; Chapter 33: Behavioural Surveillance of Indian Major Carp Catla catla (Hamilton) Exposed to Free Cyanide by M S Prashanth and Yogesh B Patil; Chapter 34: Incidence of Phytophthora Indicant Disease for Citrus Decline in Vidarbha Region (Maharashtra) by S S Pande, A B Fulke and V S Tajane; Chapter 35: Drinking Water Quality and its Impact on the Health of Users in Kattumannarkoli Taluk, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India by P Sivagurunathan and B Dhinakaran; Chapter 36: Impact of Mercuric Chloride on the Biochemical Composition of Blood of Clarius batracus (Linn) by A Parithabhanu and M A Subramanian; Chapter 37: Experiments on Protein Requirements of Young Silver Carp H molitrix (val) by Surabhi Gupta, A P Sharma and M Das; Chapter 38: Effect of Nitrogen Management of Growth and Micro-climatic Parameters of Bed Planted durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf) by Navneet Kaur Brar and D S Kler; Chapter 39: Occupational Health Problems Observed Among the Saltpan Workers of Thoothukudi District, South East Coast of India by R Sornaraj, A Amutha Jaisheeba and A Pushparaj; Chapter 40: Lentic Fishery: Fishery of a Tropical Wetland (Beel) in Assam by Devashish Kar; Chapter 41: Water Quality Index for Groundwater Affected with Bicycle Manufacturing Industrial Wastes: An Environmental Quality Audit by Vineeta Shukla, Sharda Abusaria, Monika Dhankhar and K V Sastry; Chapter 42: Effect of Different Medicinal Plant Extracts Against Root Knot Nematode Penetration into the Roots of Soloanacae Crops by L Joymati Devi and W Mema Devi; Chapter 43: Mercury Chloride Induced Changes in the DNA, RNA, Protein and Alkaline Phosphatase of Kidney of Freshwater Teleost, Labeo nandina by M M Prakash, R S Maheshwari and V K Sharma; Chapter 44: Important Medicinal Plants of Agency Tracts of Visakhapatnam District, A P by M Mutyala Naidu and T Suseela; Chapter 45: Kinetic Studies of Dye Effluent Degradation by Aspergillus terreus by N Rajamohan; Chapter 46: impact of Open Cast Coat Mining on Soil Environment and its Management by Indu Gupta, R S Singh and A C Gorai; Chapter 47: Bioaccumulation of Trace Metals on the Clam Meretrix casta, Before and After Tsunami in Tharangampadi Estuary, Southeast Coast of India by P Martin Deva Prasath, R Vijayakumar and S Kulathooran; Chapter 48: Geochemical Study of Fluoride in Groundwater of Sanganer Tehsil (Village Code Nos 101-150) of Jaipur District, Rajasthan by Deepika Sohu, J D Sharma and Parul Jain; Chapter 49: Studies on Environment Degradation of Two Wetlands in and Around Guwahati City, Assam, India by P K Das and Aruna Bhattacharyya; Chapter 50: Effect of Tamoxifen on Human Erythrocytes: An in vitro Study by K Vijayalakshmi, S Seema and S P Sasipriya; Chapter 51: Natural Radioacitivity Levels in Sediments Along the East Coast of Region of Potronovo-Pondicherry Coast, East Coast of Tamil Nadu, India by E Manikandan, B Rajamannan, R Ravisankar, R Sakthivel, M A Arunugam, V Gajendiran and V Meenakshisundaram; Chapter 52: Performance of Mentha piperita against T castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) by Sudhakar Gupta; Chapter 53: Effect of Isopod Parasite, Cymothoa indica on Pearl Spot, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) from Parangipettai Coastal Waters (Southeast Coast of India) by M Rajkumar, P Perumal, P Santhanam and N Veerappan.