Crossroads in American Education
This summary report from The Nation's Report Card offers a synthesis of findings from recent national assessments of American education for 9-, 13-, and 17-year-old students in a variety of subject areas. Areas covered include reading, writing, mathematics, science, American history, literature, and computer competence. Trends in academic achievement, levels of learning, and factors related to achievement are discussed. Since 1969, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has conducted regular surveys of student proficiency in a range of subjects, each involving a national sample of students; about 1.4 million students from a cross-section of grade levels have participated in the assessments to date. Findings from recent NAEP assessments provide evidence of progress in students' academic achievement. Results from the 1984 and 1986 assessments indicate that, on the average, students' proficiency in reading has improved; proficiency in writing, mathematics, and science has improved in recent assessments following earlier declines. Equity is being approached between minority students and their white peers. Student achievement gains are associated with time spent on homework, course rigor, participatory teaching, and supportive home environments. The findings also indicate a lack of significant advancement in the area of innovative and thoughtful application of knowledge. Descriptions of proficiency levels (levels 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350) for reading, mathematics, and science are appended in the form of sample test items. (TJH)