N. M. Karamzin: a Study of His Literary Career, 1783-1803
The first detailed account of the works of the Royal Historiographer whose name marks a period in Russian literature. The present work is primarily devoted to a study of Karamzin's literary career, specifically to the work he produced between 1783, the date of his first published translation, and 1803, at the end of which year he completed his editorship of the influential Messenger of Europe and, in his own words, "entered the temple of history," following his appointment as Royal Historiographer. In this far-ranging work Mr. Cross gives a detailed account of Karamzin's formative years, his extensive travel, his influence on his contemporaries, his philosophy, and his literary achievements, thus providing a well-rounded portrait of a remarkable man in relation to his time and, perhaps especially important, providing also an unmatched contribution to Russian literary studies of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. An appendix to the book provides a list of the works Karamzin reviewed for the Moscow Journal and a bibliography of Karamzin studies published in this century, to 1968.