Chicanos and Native Americans: the Territorial Minorities
The uprisings at Wounded Knee and Alcatraz, and the creation of La Huegla and La Raza Unida have all shown that the Chicano and the Native American will no longer suffer under the oppression and exploitation of Anglo America, say the editors of this volume. The fourteen manifestos and commentaries in this book provide a forceful rejection of the racist stereotypes perpetuated in the past by Anglo citizens, social scientists, and policy makers, and lead the way in the struggle of Chicanos and Native Americans for their rights. Actively committed to these movements, the contributors, many of whom are Chicanos or Native Americans, examine diverse social, educational, and governmental problems that affect these minorities. The reveal a pattern of neglect, deprivation, and federal paternalism that has created a volatile mood among Chicanos and Native Americans. As territorial minorities, Chicanos and Native Americans do no fit the traditional "melting pot" formula, as do most other ethnic groups. New solutions are necessary, say the editors. The contributors propose various educational and social programs which recognize the needs and the cultural uniqueness of both Chicanos and Native Americans, all urgently needed to avoid the confrontations and strife that the trail of broken treaties and the deaf ears of Washington have provoked in recent years -- Back cover.