Mosby's Pharmacy Technician Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card)
Comprehensive coverage of pharmacy practice, A&P, and pharmacology supports classroom success and board exam preparation. Step-by-step, illustrated procedures provide rationales for key skills and competencies. Study practice includes review questions at the end of each chapter, an exam-review appendix with sample questions, and online review questions. Scenario boxes help you develop real-world problem-solving skills. Mini drug monographs provide drug information summaries and photos for commonly prescribed medications. Tech Notes and Tech Alerts offer practical tips for on-the-job accuracy and efficiency. NEW! Additional content ensures thorough coverage of all entry-level and many advanced ASHP accreditation competencies, including: Wellness, disease prevention, and immunizations Medication compliance and point-of-care testing Professional and regulatory standards Medication requiring special handling and documentation Nonsterile and sterile compounding Advanced Pharmacy Technician duties