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In The Disciple's Guidebook, A. Victoria Chance explains Ephesians 6:10-18, which details the armor of God, breaking down each element of that armor in detail and utilizing passages from both the Old and New Testaments to aid her in clear, concise explanations. Chance examines several of Christ's parables for their meaning to His contemporary audience and for followers today. She calls the parables the alphabet of the kingdom of God, without which one cannot fully understand the message/meaning of salvation. Each chapter of the manuscript addresses one piece of the armor of God and its meaning to mankind today. Throughout, the point is emphasized that following God's law can be reduced to two basic steps: Love God and love your neighbor. Chance points out that each of us can live up to our full potential in God by cultivating an environment suitable for the presence of God but cautions that the stronger one's faith is, the greater the obstacles one will face. Ultimately, however, the rewards of faith outweigh the costs. The work of the Lord is often difficult and thankless, but an eternity in the presence of the Savior will make all the hardships on Earth worthwhile.