The Ḥaram of Jerusalem, 324-1099
From the Muslims' to the Crusaders' conquest Jerusalem is among the world's best known cities. Its most outstanding and constant feature is its shared holiness by three major confessions (Muslim, Jewish and Christian). Covering the Marwanid, the Abbasid, and the Faimid phase, this study describes not only the emergence of conceptions with which the three major confessions share this city, but also their interactions as well as the political circumstances and religious axioms which give each conception its specific shape. Looking for these conceptions of the holy area of the city the Haram has been chosen. This area of the former temple was highly significant to all three confessions. The analysis is based on a careful description of the Haram (focusing on topics like names and traditions, architecture, rituals and customs, visions and dreams), and on the establishment of as many parallels as possible. "The result is a volume of astonishing depth and comprehensiveness [�] As a compendium of sources it is unrivalled." Journal of Palestine Studies "The excellent graphics added to each section, culminating in 103 figures, deserve special mention. Also impressive is Kaplony's generous handling of space; it seems that he was aiming for the display of all the texts available to him. [�] taking into account Kaplony's treatment of the subject, one is tempted to compare it with that of the precision and care of Swiss watchmakers. Unless new sources come to light, which is not very likely, this book will be the standard work � for many years to come." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam "This book is an excellent contribution to the growing literature on Islamic Jerusalem, and it will indubitably be of interest to scholars and students of medieval Islamic history." International Journal of Middle East Studies.