Agriculture Biotechnology
Agricultural Biotechnology is a group of scientific methods used to improve the plants, animals, and microorganisms. Scientists have devised methods based on DNA knowledge to boost agricultural output. Biotechnology has greatly improved the efficiency with which breeders may improve crops and animals, beginning with the identification of genes that may bestow benefits on specific crops, and continuing with the capacity to work with such features extremely accurately. Biotechnology allows for advancements that would be impossible to achieve via the purely conventional method of crossing closely related species.According to this book, about half of India's population relies on agriculture and related industries as their primary source of income. India is now completely self-sufficient in food due to agricultural intensification that has resulted in tremendous advances in output. A growing global population, a changing climate and other biotic/abiotic stress factors, dwindling arable land, and depleting natural resource stocks have all combined to make sustainable expansion in agricultural output and productivity an urgent issue. Due to the complexities of hidden hunger, a sufficient food supply isn't longer a reason for complacency, which has led to a renewed focus on the need of ensuring enough nutrition. In spite of these difficulties, India has a lot going for it, particularly in the form of its abundant natural resources and its large labour force. Crop production has been increased, food, feed, and fibre security have been strengthened, and agriculture's ecological imprint has been reduced greatly because to advancements in plant biotechnology. Advances in molecular biologies, such as genomics, proteomics, and genome engineering/editing, provide extraordinary economic, environmental, and social prospects for guiding present and future agricultural research.