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RDA: Resource Description and Access: 2013 Revision
RDA: Resource Description and Access: 2013 Revision
This e-book contains the 2013 Revision of RDA: Resource Description and Access, and includes the July 2013 Update. This e-book offers links within the RDA text and the capability of running rudimentary searches of RDA, but please note that this e-book does not have the full range of content or functionality provided by the subscription product RDA Toolkit. Included: A full accumulation of RDA— the revision contains a full set of all current RDA instructions. It replaces the previous version of RDA Print as opposed to being an update packet to that version. RDA has gone through many changes since it was first published in 2010. Cataloging practice described by RDA has not changed dramatically due to the changes above, but nearly every page in RDA Print was impacted by the changes, with the result that an RDA Print update packet would require nearly as many pages as the full revision. The most current RDA— the revision contains all changes to RDA up to and including the 2013 RDA Update approved by the JSC. Annually the JSC considers proposals to update, enhance and maintain RDA as a current cataloging standard. These updates can and often do change the cataloging process as described by RDA. The JSC also periodically issues changes to RDA to fix errors and to clarify meaning. These changes do not typically change cataloging practice as described by RDA. Reworded RDA— the revision includes the reworded version of RDA instructions. To improve readability and comprehension of complex instructions, RDA has been edited and reworded since its original release. The rewording was carried out by the JSC, RDA Copy Editor, and reviewed by the U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee.
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