Culture Slut
Culture Slut 24 and its split zine counterpart Motor City Kitty 16 are cut and paste typewritten perzines by best friends from Quebec and Ohio, respectively. 26-year-old Amber writes in Culture Slut about being inspired by Nirvana and angered by those who ignore Kurt Cobain's feminist politics, lists ways to thrive during winter, and criticizes Teal Triggs' misuse of Amber's zine in her book Fanzines: the DIY Revolution. Amber also announces that she will be ending Culture Slut or making it less frequently. In Motor City Kitty, Brianna, a recent graduate, writes about lack of motivation after college, being the "feminist killjoy" in punk spaces, playing in a band and riot grrrl, feeling vulnerable in her zine and includes a comic about her New Year's Eve.