The Smartest Children in the World
New York Times Bestseller. This is a book that builds images of those children - from very ordinary people. With a simple writing style, readers not only learn about the position of American education but can also recognize many factors that help create the smartest children in the world. Author Amanda Ripley, an award-winning reporter, follows three students Eric, Kim and Tom from the US to study abroad in three countries: Korea, Finland and Poland. For the author, she chose three such samples because these three countries represent three typical educational models of countries with PISA results (Program for International Student Assessment - to consider the "intelligence" of students) is higher than the United States. In addition to Eric, Kim and Tom's comments on the learning styles of their local friends, the author also interviews key players in the local education industry. The book has a lot of information and data for those who like to research to learn more deeply, and also has interesting side stories to attract young readers. The Smartest Children in the World is a book that opens up a completely new perspective on domestic education, bringing extremely useful lessons for the education career.Why Korean, Finnish, and Polish students always achieve high results in international exams. The book is the core conclusion on how to educate students to succeed in these countries.