A Boomer's Guide to Grandparenting
"We are your typical boomer nana and papa," say authors Kathryn and Allan Zullo, "younger, healthier, wealthier, and better educated than our grandparents. We are more active and less formal than our own parents were at our age. We no longer fit the traditional image of our elderly kin." That description signals the need for a new kind of grandparenting, a role that The Nanas and the Papas fills to perfection.This completely reworked and updated version is now half again as large as the original. "Most boomer grandparents work hard and lead vigorous, often stressful, lives where time is a precious commodity," say the Zullos. The Nanas and the Papas helps grandparents relieve the stress of grandparenting and make the most of limited time.Top grandparenting experts cited throughout the book tailor their guidance and recommendations to fit the boomer sensibility, covering topics such as:o How to define the grandparenting role for a new generationo The latest trends in child careo How to work in harmony with your children and their spouseso High-tech grandparentingo Ways to make the most of time alone with grandchildreno Grandparenting and the single-parent householdo Grandparents caring for their own parentsFilled with expert advice, The Nanas and the Papas provides a smooth transition into grandparenting and sets the stage for successful relationships and experiences for the entire family.