Pandemic fascism
About a hundred years after the outbreak of the Spanish flu and the beginning of fascism in Italy, the world watches history as it resonates. A pandemic of Coronavirus spreads throughout the world leaving a trail of sick, dead, and broke people. But only as shocking as the biological impact is the social impact. More serious perhaps than the physical illness itself. A collective psychic disorder arises, which features several components of an infection: the spread of the infectious ideology of hate. The idea of this essay starts from the ambivalence of the ideologies and the intense noise that most of them make. Right-wingers, Leftists, Liberals, and Conservatives… all think they are so different, when in fact, especially when extreme, they are all much alike. However, one of the many ideologies that have emerged in the last 350 years deserves a separate essay: fascism and its aspects. The term is being overused, and with it, there is a risk of losing its actual meaning. Not all violence derives from fascism, but there is no fascism without preaching violence and the prevalence of one power over the others. No, fascism does not exist in the same dimension and stridency as in the 20s, 30s, and 40s of the 20th century, but neither can we declare it to have been fully eradicated from humanity. In this essay, the author demonstrates what happened with the fascist movement and how it is still present among us.