The History and Description of the City of Exeter and Its Environs, Ancient and Modern, Civil and Ecclesiastical: Comprising The Religion, and Idolatrous Superstition of the Britons, Saxons and Danes; The Rise and Progress of Christianity in These Western Counties; with a Catalogue of the Bishops, From the First Erecting this County Into a Diocese, to the Present Era. Collected from the Most Approved Historians. Also, a General and Parochial Survey and Description of All the Churches, Places of Divine Worship, Public Buildings, Institutions, Antiquities, Present Government, Prospects, &c. and a List of Mayors & Bailiffs, to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. By Alexander Jenkins. Illustrated with a Correct Map of the City and Neighbourhood, a View of Rougemont Castle Gateway, and Several Ancient Plans and Miscellaneous Plates