Hurtful Happenings Become Blessings
As you read through the Bible, you will notice that God is telling the stories of how He dealt with people through the ages. One common theme runs through all of history. That theme includes three events that seem to happen to everyone who chooses to follow Him. First, they are sinners. Without God's help, they cannot obey Him and receive His blessing. Second, they all seem to go through some form of trial, persecution, or suffering. Third, they turn to God, put their lives in His hands, and God blesses them. You see that in the life of Joseph from the of book of Genesis. You see it in the life of David. You see it in the life of Job. You see it in the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. You see it in the life of Peter. You see it in the life of Paul. Most importantly, you see it in the life of Jesus. I believe that the reason God wrote the Bible in the way He did is to show us how He wants to work in the lives of every person, even today. This book tells the story of one person who has and still is experiencing these things in his life today. The purpose of this book is to encourage you no matter where you are in your relationship with God. God loves you and is working in your life just as He did in the lives of the people whose stories are told in the Bible. You may not be a Christian yet, you may be a new Christian, you may have been walking with Jesus for years. Whatever point you are at in your relationship with God, I pray that this book will strengthen you to continue to seek after God as He has been seeking after you all your life.