Challenges to NATO and Italy's Role
This paper analyses a range of variables and challenges particularly relevant to Euro-Atlantic security and NATO, with a specific focus on Italy's role in such a context. The first chapter summarises the main decisions taken at NATO's Warsaw Summit in July 2016, and in particular: NATO's posture towards Russia, characterized by defence and deterrence on the one hand, and dialogue on the other; the 360-degree-approach which applies to both the Eastern and Southern flanks - even if with less emphasis on the latter; and the re-launching of NATO-EU cooperation. The second chapter focuses on the impact of two main variables on the international, transatlantic and European context. First, Donald Trump presidency, with a specific focus on the possible elements of its future foreign and defence policy. Second, Brexit, that with its wide range of consequences on the EU as a whole will impact, even if indirectly, European security and, hence, NATO. The final chapter explores Italy's actual and potential role in the current international scenario with specific reference to projecting stability on the Southern flank, balancing relations between NATO and Russia and supporting EU-NATO cooperation. Furthermore, a specific focus is dedicated to the unsatisfying implementation of the Italian White Paper for International Security and Defence, one year and a half after its adoption by the Italian government.