Kiss Kiss Bang! Bang!
The arrival of the James Bond film series merited little more than an inch of copy in the trade press of 1961, but its success since the 1962 release of Dr. No has been phenomenal, spawning nineteen more titles and collecting millions of fans along the way during Bond's thirty-five years of escapades. This insightful book brings together everything a Bond fan would want to know about the Bond classics, covering Dr. No, From Russia with Love, and Goldfinger to License to Kill, Goldeneye, and Tomorrow Never Dies -- scheduled to be released in the fall of 1997 -- and all those in between. In this detailed new history of Bond on screen, the authors have chosen ten key elements to rate each film, and each element -- Teaser, Titles, Bonkers Plot, Locations, Gadgets, Girls, Villains, Fights, Chases, Explosions, Dialogue and Double Entendres, Bond -- is given a mark from one to ten to reflect its success as a James Bond film. They also provide Bond buffs with behind-the-scenes gossip and rare information on unofficial Bond spin-offs, such as "OK Connery" and the various Bond-influenced TV series and films, and take into account all of 007's other film appearances, opening with a sideways look at Ian Fleming's original conception of Bond and following the trail of Bond on and off the screen through his portrayers: Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and current star Pierce Brosnan -- the Bond of the '90s. With complete cast and credit information for each film, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is the ultimate book for all things Bond.