The number of Christian denominations, according to the "Status of Global Mission, 2008" of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, is around 39,000. Surprisingly, all of them believe that Jesus breathed his last at the age of thirty-three while nailed to the cross in Jerusalam, the capital of the Jewish kingdom. A vast majority of Jews and Muslims also endorse that viewpoint. This concept, however, is flawed and not supported by the facts. If Jesus really died that early, it simply means that he neither had the honor of becoming a Messenger [administrator], nor did he receive any revelations. Every apostle, without any exception, was appointed to that exalted position, sometimes within a short period of five years, usually between the ages of thirty-five and forty. Moreover, the transmission of Allah's constitution along with civil and criminal codes, through Gabriel's interface, was always a long, drawn-out process. In the case of Mohammad, it took over twenty-three years to complete. "Jesus: The Warrior Apostle" does not present either a constitution or social laws for creating a peaceful, prosperous, and progressive society through the establishment of a people-friendly government. Certainly, like every previous triumphant apostle, Jesus did set up an administration and served as head of the state, until he breathed his last at an advanced age, due to natural causes.