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The True Face of Islam
In the wake of WTC and Pentagon attacks on September 11, 2001, we Americans search for meaning, with this senseless destruction, of human life. The media and our president tell us that Muslims are not at fault. We are given the impression that Islam is a religion of peace. Using the Koran's own verses, Mustafa Ozturk and Abdullah Ozturk reveal the truth about Islam. The Turkish American authors share the unbelievable evidence they uncovered, which resulted in their own loss of faith. They risk their lives to bring you The True Face of Islam. Before you reach the last page, you will have no doubt that Islam is an evil concoction of a religion. Master minded through obedience and terror, he left Muslim leaders the ability to control their followers. He grants permission and claims it is a high honor for Muslims to kill all non-Muslims, Jews and Christians in the name of Allah. Our goal in this book is not to offend anyone. We love all people. The truth must be known. Having been Muslims we have a special burden for them in our hearts. They deserve the right to know, they have been lied to all their life.
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Bilali Muhammad
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The Thief of Bagdad
Forrest Theatre, F.G. Nixon-Nirdlinger, managing director, Thos. M. Love, general manager. F. Ray Comstock and Morris Gest present Douglas Fairbanks in "The Thief of Bagdad," a glorious fantasy of The Arabian Nights. Production personnel: Elton Thomas, author, Raoul Walsh, director, Arthur Edeson, photographer, Lotta Woods, scenario editor, Dr. Arthur Woods, research director, Edward Knoblock, consultant, Richard Holahan, P.H. Whitman, Kenneth Mae Lean, associate photographers, William Cameron Menzies, art director, Irvin J. Martin, consulting art director, Leisen, designer of costumes, Anton F. Grot, Paul Youngblood, H.R. Hopps, Harold W. Grieve, Park French, William Utwich, Edward M. Langley, associate artists. Theodore Reed, manager of production, Hampton Del Ruth, director of mechanical effects, Robert Fairbanks, technical director, James O'Donohoe, assistant director, William Nolan, cutter, Paul Burns, master of wardrobe and properties, Albert Wayne, master electricial. Harry D. Buckley, acting general manager and personal representative for Douglas Fairbanks, Frank V. Bruner, press representative, John Wilstach, company manager, musical setting by Mortimer Wilson, musical director Leon M. Polachek.
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Africana Islamic Studies
Africana Islamic Studies
Africana Islamic Studies highlights the diverse contributions that African Americans have made to the formation of Islam in the United States. It specifically focuses on the Nation of Islam and its patriarch Elijah Muhammad with regards to the African American Islamic experience. Contributors explore topics such as gender, education, politics, and sociology from the African American perspective on Islam. This volume offers a unique view of the longstanding Islamic discourse in the United States and its impact on the American cultural landscape.
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The Holy War
The Holy War
Jang-e-Muqaddas (The Holy War) documents the daily debate proceedings held between Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, and Deputy Abdullah Atham, an Indian convert to Christianity. The event’s origins date to 1893, when a prominent Christian missionary, Dr. Henry Martyn Clark, penned an open letter challenging the Muslims of Jandiala to a decisive debate—which he named The Holy War—declaring that if Muslims shy away from this contest or suffer a crushing defeat, they would forfeit their right to confront the scholars of Christianity, or to boast of Islam’s truth. When the leader of the Muslims petitioned the Promised Messiah(as) to defend Islam, he readily accepted the challenge. Since the very planning of the event, the Promised Messiah(as) laid down two fundamental principles as his conditions for the debate. First, all claims and arguments should be sourced strictly from the respective party’s scriptures. Secondly, he emphasised that a living religion must demonstrate Heavenly Signs in its favour. The Christian side, however, proved thoroughly inept in both areas. The debate took place from 22 May 1893 to 5 June 1893, and thirteen papers were published in total. All across India, Muslims were inspired by the innovative arguments of the Promised Messiah(as) and the outcome of the debate had far-reaching consequences for advancing the spread of Islam and arresting the growth of Christianity.
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