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Potash Use and Dynamics in Agriculture
Potash Use and Dynamics in Agriculture
This book covers the use and dynamics of potassium fertilizers in agriculture. It explores potassium dynamics in soil, phytoavailability, uptake and translocation in crop plants, impact of potassium fertilizers on quality of agricultural produce. Potassium is an essential plant nutrient that has long been overlooked in agriculture of many developing countries. In most of the agro-ecosystems of such countries, potassium balance is negative because its application seldom matches with crop removal. Agro-technicians lack enough skills and resources to promote the right source of fertilizer at the right rate, time and place to facilitate profitable farming. There is a need for farmers to update their farming practices so as to improve the crop yield and quality under unfavorable climatic conditions. Correct application of potassium fertilizers is directly linked with increased crop yield per unit land area in most of the developing countries. Therefore this book fills the gap in the information and provide the readers with latest updates on use of potassium fertilizers. This book contains latest information relevant for graduate students, progressive farmers, extension worker, early career researchers, and policy makers.
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On Taqlid
On Taqlid
Abdul-Rahman Mustafa offers a deft new translation of a large extract from the book I'lam al Muwaqqi'in 'An Rabb al 'Alamin, by the thirteenth-century Islamic scholar, Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyya. The I'lam comprises an extensive discussion of the subject of taqlid, or legal imitation. It is one of the most comprehensive treatments of Islamic legal theory and even today serves as a manual for mujtahids and muftis. In the portion of the I'lam Mustafa has translated, Ibn Qayyim introduces the nature of taqlid and divides it into several categories. He then provides an account of a debate between a critic of the view that taqlid of a particular school or a scholar is a religious duty and this critic's interlocutor. Among the topics discussed are the different kinds of taqlid, the differences between taqlid and ittibi', the infallibility of religious scholars, the grounds on which one legal opinion might be preferred over another, and whether or not laymen can be expected to perform ijtihad. Ibn Qayyim's legal theory is a formidable reformulation of traditionalist Hanbalism, a legal-theological tradition that has always maintained a distinctive character in Islamic history and that is now growing more influential due to modern interest in the Wahhabi movement and in Ibn Taymiyya, whose legal and theological thought was edited and refined by his student, Ibn Qayyim. In his introduction to the translation, Mustafa critically reviews the scholarship on taqlid and outlines Ibn Qayyim's legal theory and the importance of taqlid within it. Taqlid continues to generate controversy amongst educated Muslims and particularly academics, as Salafi interpretations of Islam, which are generally 'anti-taqlid,' come into conflict with the generally 'pro-taqlid' stance of traditional schools such as the Hanafis. Mustafa's translation of a classic account of Islamic legal theory and strong critique of the dominant legal culture are timely contributions to an increasingly heated debate.
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L'Émergence d'un état à l'ombre d'un empire
L'Émergence d'un état à l'ombre d'un empire
L'intérêt manifesté par la Grande-Bretagne à l'égard du territoire irakien remonte bien avant la première Guerre Mondiale. Sa position géographique, le croisement et la proximité de ses frontières avec la partie Sud du territoire iranien, les différentes principautés et émirats arabes situés sur la rive occidentale du Golfe, faisaient de l'Irak un objet de convoitise pour les Anglais. Ajoutons les richesses pétrolières que recèle le sous-sol de ces régions. Déjà au XIXe siècle le « marchand anglais » est devenu un résident politique. Il revendique des avantages et même une certaine forme de protectorat non déclaré. A cet égard, Lord Curzon indique : « Les relations entre la Grande-Bretagne et le Golfe sont passées des livres de comptes des marchands aux valises diplomatiques des hommes politiques ». De plus, il déclare en 1911 devant le Conseil des Lords : « qu'on a tout à fait tort de croire que les intérêts politiques de la Grande- Bretagne s'arrêtent au Golfe ou à Bassorah, ils s'étendent jusqu'à Bagdad elle-même »
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Suara Khatib Baiturrahman (Edisi 16)
Suara Khatib Baiturrahman (Edisi 16)
Khutbah pada Masjid Raya Baiturrahman Banda Aceh diisi olehpara ulama dan cendikia Muslim yang prfesional dalam bidangnya. Mereka mengawali khutbahnya dengan mengajak para jamaah untuk merenungkan kehidupan dunia sebagai persiapan hidup di negeri akhirat. Dalam memperkuat nasehat yang disampaikan, para khatib mengutip ayat-ayat yang terkait dengan topik yang dibicarakan. Kemudian juga merujuk pada hadits untuk menerangkan makna-makna ayat. Pendekatan lain yang diterapkan oleh khatib ketika menyampaikan nasehat agama umumnya merujuk pada pemahaman agama para ulama kharismatik Aceh terdahulu. Sementara yang lain terdapat juga tulisan yang mengutip ayat dan sabda Rasul serta menghubungkan dengan temuan baru dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu, dengan tujuan untuk menambah wawasan para pembaca supaya mereka mampu memberikan jawaban terhadap setiap fenomena yang muncul setiap zamannya, terutama terkait dengan agama dan kehidupan sosial umat.
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Social Ethics of Islam
Social Ethics of Islam
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