Live and Let Live
Novel highlights one-man battle for righteousness against a murderous thieving gang of businessman Toronto-Bill Schultz was born to a poor, religious catholic family. He went to church every Sunday, prayed before and after meals and learned the difference between right and wrong. After jumping on the opportunity to go into his own business he finds himself on the wrong side of the fence facing deception and debauchery in William A. Jones new novel, LIVE AND LET LIVE. An extended trip of Europe as a young, single man sparks Schultz commitment to a live and let live philosophical approach to life. Using his new philosophy, Schultz excels in his business, despite the treachery immersing from his three business partners: Mark Adamson, Jim Wormald and Patrick Carter. After refusing to partake in a money laundering scheme, Schultz finds himself facing a slander crusade initiated by Wormald and backed by Adamson and Carter. Using his new philosophy of live and let live, Schultz endures the onslaught of his partners and continues to develop his end of the business in a professional fashion, free from the fraud, theft, activities of the others. While continuing to treat all colleagues in a fair and equal manner, he single-handedly extracts business from every nook and cranny around the globe, and is elected as the new president of an associate represented in forty countries. Traumatized by the corruption, Schultz wife succumb to cancer and he resolved to dedicate every fiber of his existence to have the gang outlawed. Read the suspenseful and intriguing conclusion to LIVE AND LET LIVE and discover if Schultz finds justice amidst the deceit and criminal activities of his partners. William A. Jeffries left school after high school graduation to help support his family. He studies evening courses in French, German, law and Marketing. He completed extra-curricular courses in business management and corporate governance, transportation, public speaking, board governance and conducting meetings. During his free time traveling Europe, he studied the history of the world and of the universe. He is now widowed with two adult sons. LIVE AND LET LIVE is his fist book.