The Mcdare Secret, a Tall Tale of a Young Boy's Journey to Gianthood
This Tale is more than a Tall one of giants in Ireland in the 17th century. Brian McDare was twelve, the son of giants, but he was not a giant. He felt very inadequate because of his size, but made up for it through over-achievement in all his skills. His paltry size did not deter him from being an excellent swimmer and bare-handed fisherman. Nor did it slow him down in the chase to hunt rabbits and deer with Clan, his Irish wolfhound. Brian was, for sure, mature beyond his years. His close knit family, grounded in faithfulness, love and trust in God, gave strength to Roe, his mother, Aidan, his father, Granda, his grandfather, and of course to Brian whose strength was forever put to the test. Brian overcomes fear when he is challenged with, what he thinks is impossible. He out smarts the Wild Irish Hares, rescues a buried giant, saves a runaway giant lad from Scotland and all the while questions Granda's words, "the McDares are giants of deeds." Brian's journey continues to take turns until he is nineteen. Then comes the big turn.