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Direct Taxes Law And Practice (Assessment Year 2021-22)
Direct Taxes Law And Practice (Assessment Year 2021-22)
Main Highlights of Finance Act, 2021 1. Income Tax- An Introduction, 2. Important Definations, 3. Assessment on Agricultural Income, 4. Exemptes Income, 5. Residence and Tax Liability, 6. Income from Salaries, 7. Income From Salaries (Retirement and Retrenchment), 8. Income From House Property, 9. Depreciation, 10. Profit and ganis of Business or profession, Gains, 12. Income From Other Sources, 13. Income tax Authorities, 14. Clubbing of income and Aggregation of Income, 15. Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses, 16. Deduction From Gross Total Income, 17. Assesment of Individulas (Computation of Total Income), 18. Computation of Tax Liability of Individuals, 19. Deduction of Taxes at Sources, 20. Procedure of Assessment, 21. Penalties, Offenecs and Prossecutions, 22. Appeal and Revison, 23. Tax - Planning, 24. Recovery and Refunds of Taxs, 25. Advance Payment of Tax, 26. Assessment of Hindu Undivided Family and Computation of Tax Liability, 27. Assessment of Firm and Association of Persons and Computation of tax Liability, Rebate and Relief in Tax Supreme Court Leading Cases Provisomns and Procedure of Filing the Return of Income and e-Filing of Income Tax and TDS Returns.
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Direct Taxes Law And Practice (Assessment Year 2021-22) - SBPD Publications
Direct Taxes Law And Practice (Assessment Year 2021-22) - SBPD Publications
Main Highlights of Finance Act, 2021 1. Income Tax- An Introduction, 2. Important Definations, 3. Assessment on Agricultural Income, 4. Exemptes Income, 5. Residence and Tax Liability, 6. Income from Salaries, 7. Income From Salaries (Retirement and Retrenchment), 8. Income From House Property, 9. Depreciation, 10. Profit and ganis of Business or profession, Gains, 12. Income From Other Sources, 13. Income tax Authorities, 14. Clubbing of income and Aggregation of Income, 15. Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses, 16. Deduction From Gross Total Income, 17. Assesment of Individulas (Computation of Total Income), 18. Computation of Tax Liability of Individuals, 19. Deduction of Taxes at Sources, 20. Procedure of Assessment, 21. Penalties, Offenecs and Prossecutions, 22. Appeal and Revison, 23. Tax - Planning, 24. Recovery and Refunds of Taxs, 25. Advance Payment of Tax, 26. Assessment of Hindu Undivided Family and Computation of Tax Liability, 27. Assessment of Firm and Association of Persons and Computation of tax Liability, Rebate and Relief in Tax Supreme Court Leading Cases Provisomns and Procedure of Filing the Return of Income and e-Filing of Income Tax and TDS Returns.
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Income Tax Law & Practice (Assessment Year 2021-22)
Income Tax Law & Practice (Assessment Year 2021-22)
Main Highlights of Finance Act, 2021 1. Income Tax–An Introduction , 2. Important Definitions 3. Assessment on Agricultural Income 4. Exempted Incomes 5. Residence and Tax Liability 6. Income from Salaries 7. Income from Salaries (Retirement and Retrenchment) 8. Income from House Property 9. Depreciationn 10. Profits and Gains of Business or Profession (Including : Special Provision for Computing Profits and Gain of Profession on Presumptive Basis) 11. Capital Gains 12. Income from Other Sources 13. Income Tax Authorities 14. Clubbing of Income and Aggregation of Income 15. Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses Deductions From Gross Total Income 17. Assessment of Individuals (Computation of Total Income) 18. Computation of Tax Liability of Individuals 19. Deduction of Tax at Source 20. Procedure of Assessment 21. Assessment of Firm and Association of Persons and Computation of Tax Liability Provisions and Procedure of Filing the Return of Income and e-Filing of Income Tax and TDS Returns l Supreme Court Leading Cases l GST–Concept, Registration and Taxation Mechanism l Rebate and Relief in Tax l Examination Papers
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Income Tax Planning & Management-SBPD Publications
Income Tax Planning & Management-SBPD Publications
1.Income Tax—An Introduction, 2 .Important Definitions , 3. Assessment on Agricultural Income, 4. Exempted Incomes, 5. Residence and Tax Liability, 6 .Income from Salaries, 7. Income from Salaries (Retirement and Retrenchment), 8. Income from House Property, 9. Depreciation, 10. Profits and Gains of Business or Profession, 11. Capital Gains, 12. Income from Other Sources, 13. Clubbing of Income and Aggregation of Income, 14. Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses, 15. Deduction From Gross Total Income, 16 .Assessment of Individuals (Computation of Total Income), 17. Computation of Tax Liability of Individuals, 18. Deduction of Tax at Source, 19. Income Tax Authorities, 20. Procedure of Assessment, 21. Penalties, Offences and Prosecutions, 22. Appeal and Revision, 23. Tax-Planning, 24. Advance Payment of Tax, 25. Assessment of Hindu Undivided Family and Computation of Tax Liability, 26. Assessment of Firm and Association of Persons and Computation of Tax Liability, 27. Recovery and Refund of Tax, 28 .Settlement of Cases, 29. Purchase of Immovable Property by Central Government, 30. Assessment of Companies, 31. Assessment of Co-operative Societies, 32. Tax-Planning for New Business.
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Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
This work is based on the experience and notes of the authors while teaching mathematics courses to engineering students at the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. It covers syllabi of two core courses in mathematics for engineering students.
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March's Advanced Organic Chemistry
March's Advanced Organic Chemistry
The Sixth Edition of a classic in organic chemistry continues its tradition of excellence Now in its sixth edition, March's Advanced Organic Chemistry remains the gold standard in organic chemistry. Throughout its six editions, students and chemists from around the world have relied on it as an essential resource for planning and executing synthetic reactions. The Sixth Edition brings the text completely current with the most recent organic reactions. In addition, the references have been updated to enable readers to find the latest primary and review literature with ease. New features include: More than 25,000 references to the literature to facilitate further research Revised mechanisms, where required, that explain concepts in clear modern terms Revisions and updates to each chapter to bring them all fully up to date with the latest reactions and discoveries A revised Appendix B to facilitate correlating chapter sections with synthetic transformations
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Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi
Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi
This 10th edition, of the acclaimed reference work, has more than 21,000 entries, and provides the most complete listing available of generic names of fungi, their families and orders, their attributes and descriptive terms. For each genus, the authority, the date of publication, status, systematic position, number of accepted species, distribution, and key references are given. Diagnoses of families and details of orders and higher categories are included for all groups of fungi. In addition, there are biographic notes, information on well-known metabolites and mycotoxins, and concise accounts of almost all pure and applied aspects of the subject (including citations of important literature). Co-published by: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
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Despite The State: Why India Lets Its People Down And How They Cope
Despite The State: Why India Lets Its People Down And How They Cope
About the Book A LUCID, NECESSARY ACCOUNT OF HOW DRASTICALLY THE INDIAN STATE FAILS ITS CITIZENS The story of democratic failure is usually read at the level of the nation, while the primary bulwarks of democratic functioning—the states—get overlooked. This is a tale of India’s states, of why they build schools but do not staff them with teachers; favour a handful of companies so much that others slip into losses; wage water wars with their neighbours while allowing rampant sand mining and groundwater extraction; harness citizens’ right to vote but brutally crack down on their right to dissent. Reporting from six states over thirty-three months, award-winning investigative journalist M. Rajshekhar delivers a necessary account of a deep crisis that has gone largely unexamined.
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Dislocations and Multiculturalisms
Dislocations and Multiculturalisms
This Collection Of Essays Looks At The Old Age Problems Of Space Among Opposing Forces, Migrations, Imigrations, Home Alienation Etc. More Than 20 Pieces From Scholars From Different Locations.
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