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Writing in a Bilingual Program
Writing in a Bilingual Program
A year-long study of the writing development of 27 first through third graders in an English/Spanish bilingual program was conducted during the 1980-81 school year. Samples of the children's writing were collected at four intervals, coded for computer tallying, and analyzed in terms of code-switching, spelling, punctuation and segmentation, structural features, stylistic devices, and content. Additionally, the context in which the writing developed was evaluated by classroom observations, teacher interviews, review of familial backgrounds, and a survey of the community language situation. Myths about bilingual language proficiency, biliteracy, bilingual education, teaching writing, and learning to write are all countered by evidence presented in this study. In a discussion of implications, the concept of a whole language approach to writing instruction is supported, in which authentic and functional texts are offered to and produced by children. Examples of the children's writing with appropriate translations are given along with various tables. Informal follow-up information is presented in three epilogues dealing with changes in the researcher's commitment to the study's original writing theories, the writing of some students a year after the study; and a chronological outline of the demise of the bilingual program used in the study. Appendices list interview questions used for teachers and aides and categories for coding the writing data. This book contains 134 references. (ALL)
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How to Make Good Things Happen: Know Your Brain, Enhance Your Life
How to Make Good Things Happen: Know Your Brain, Enhance Your Life
An empowering journey through the mechanisms of the mind from one of the world’s leading mental health experts. For those in pursuit of a better life, psychiatrist Marian Rojas Estapé presents the essential guide to neuroscience-driven mindfulness. Understanding your brain, managing your emotions, and being aware of your responses to stressors can give you greater self-control. Rather than a gimmicky guidebook, this is a thorough look at how our brains react to stress, threats, hyperstimulation, and the vices of our digital age. With proven techniques backed by solid, up-to-date psychiatric research, Estapé teaches us how to make the best of our lives. Combining science, psychology, and philosophy, Estapé delivers practical advice about how we can cultivate a happy existence. This includes understanding the parts of the brain, setting healthy goals and objectives, strengthening willpower, cultivating emotional intelligence, developing assertiveness, avoiding excessive self-criticism and self-demand, and mastering the proven art of optimism.
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Tarnished City
Tarnished City
MAGIC COMPELS. WE BLEED. The captivating dystopian trilogy that began with Gilded Cage continues. In a modern Britain where magic users control wealth, politics—and you—an uprising has been crushed. In its aftermath, two families will determine the country’s fate. The ruthless Jardines make a play for ultimate power. And the Hadleys, once an ordinary family, must find the extraordinary strength to fight back. Abi Hadley is a fugitive. Her brother, Luke, a prisoner. Both will discover that in the darkest places, the human spirit shines brightest. Meanwhile, amid his family’s intrigues, Silyen Jardine dreams of forgotten powers from an earlier age. As blood runs in the streets of London, all three will discover whether love and courage can ever be stronger than tyranny. How do you choose when you can’t save everyone? Look for all three books in the mesmerizing Dark Gifts trilogy: GILDED CAGE • TARNISHED CITY • BRIGHT RUIN Praise for Tarnished City “Highly recommended . . . There’s an admirable level of world-building . . . with real moments of empathy and compassion [and] a true nail-biter of a cliffhanger ending.”—Fantasy Literature “Multifaceted complexity . . . lively, determined characters.”—Publishers Weekly
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You Choose: Historical Eras: Colonial America
You Choose: Historical Eras: Colonial America
Europeans came to the American colonies in the 1600s and 1700s in search of a better life. They worked hard and built farms, homes, and towns. But they were still under Great Britain's rule. Many wanted to make their own laws, but that meant going to war against a rich and powerful country. Will you: Travel to Virginia as an indentured servant? Choose between careers as a sailor or a soldier in Massachusetts? Decide which side you'll take as the country marches closer to revolution?
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The Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
"Describes the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, as Japanese forces surprised Americans at the U.S. military base, and explains the significance of the attack today."--Provided by publisher.
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Globalized Europe
Globalized Europe
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El nacimiento de los corresponsales de guerra.
El nacimiento de los corresponsales de guerra.
El nacimiento de los corresponsales de guerra es un libro en el que se aborda el tratamiento que los reporteros extranjeros dieron a la Guerra Carlista que tuvo lugar en España entre 1833-1840. Aunque tradicionalmente se ha mantenido el nacimiento del periodismo de guerra moderno en las crónicas que William Howard Russell envió a The Times sobre la Guerra de Crimea en 1854, los avances llevados a cabo por un Grupo de Investigación de la Universidad CEU-San Pablo han establecido una nueva perspectiva de análisis que situaría el nacimiento de la profesión en España durante este conflicto civil. Los estudios académicos realizados nos llevan a adelantar en casi veinte años el origen del reporterismo colocando a España en el centro del debate científico. La presente obra responde a algunas de estas propuestas. Historiadores, periodistas, filólogas, geógrafas y comunicadores expertos en tecnología o publicidad, han apostado por un trabajo que combina elementos del análisis más tradicional para las Humanidades con las nuevas expresiones de carácter digital que permiten la divulgación de estos estudios en la sociedad del presente. Se trata de una publicación plural de temática flexible y abierta pero que espera seguir dinamizando la discusión con nuevas contribuciones que puedan hacernos replantear el nacimiento de los corresponsales en el contexto peninsular.
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Migrant Longing
Migrant Longing
Drawing upon a personal collection of more than 300 letters exchanged between her parents and other family members across the U.S.-Mexico border, Miroslava Chávez-García recreates and gives meaning to the hope, fear, and longing migrants experienced in their everyday lives both “here” and “there” (aqui y alla). As private sources of communication hidden from public consumption and historical research, the letters provide a rare glimpse into the deeply emotional, personal, and social lives of ordinary Mexican men and women as recorded in their immediate, firsthand accounts. Chávez-García demonstrates not only how migrants struggled to maintain their sense of humanity in el norte but also how those remaining at home made sense of their changing identities in response to the loss of loved ones who sometimes left for weeks, months, or years at a time, or simply never returned. With this richly detailed account, ranging from the Mexican Revolution of the 1910s to the emergence of Silicon Valley in the late 1960s, Chávez-García opens a new window onto the social, economic, political, and cultural developments of the day and recovers the human agency of much maligned migrants in our society today.
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Life as a Viking
Life as a Viking
"Describes the lives of Viking warriors. The readers' choices reveal the historical details of raiding the Lindisfarne monastery, invading England, and fighting at the Battle of Stamford Bridge"--Provided by publisher.
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The New World Written
The New World Written
A lyrical collection of the finest poems by a leading Mexican poet, superbly translated for English readers The poetry of María Baranda is a haunting homage to the natural world, transcendent in scope, attentive to the particular, and acutely attuned to the mystery of being. Absorbed by nature's otherness, Baranda seeks to inhabit the voices of the wind, of wings, night, day, and perhaps most keenly, water. These lyrical verses turn repeatedly to the longings and griefs of embodiment: "What is that God / To be praised with all our sadness / If not love / Or at least the wonder / Of being a body full of blood," Baranda asks. Drawing on epics such as the Aeneid and Beowulf, the mystical verses of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, and writers who engage the landscape of shore and sea, from Daniel Defoe to Dylan Thomas, this sweeping collection brings together the finest poems of one of today's most powerful and innovative Mexican writers.
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