Miscellaneous Fish and Wildlife Legislation
Considers. H.R. 4402, H.R. 350, and H.R. 2398, to authorize construction of a water research laboratory in Washington State, a fish and wildlife laboratory in Florida, and a fish hatchery in Pennsylvania. H.R. 5854, to amend the Black Fish Act to define its applicability to interstate commerce. H.R. 3087 and similar H.R. 1984, H.R. 4019, H.R. 5119, and H.R. 5271, to authorize a starfish eradication program in Long Island Sound. H.R. 2565, to authorize DOD to establish a wildlife management program on military bases. H.R. 7045, to establish an Arctic Wildlife Range in Alaska. H.R. 5814, to authorize the Fish and Wildlife Service to establish a cooperative research education and demonstration program with states. H.R. 7455 and identical H.R. 7461, H.R. 7471, H.R. 7477, and companion S. 2086, to establish a National Wildlife Disease Laboratory. H.R. 5004 and similar H.R. 6114, H.R. 6185, and H.R. 6753, to authorize programs of research on migratory sport fish and birds. H.R. 5813, to authorize a research program on the ecological impact of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.