Making Globalisation a Force for Good
Globalisation refers to the process of growing interdependence between the economies and businesses of different countries, with the ever increasing movement across national boundaries of goods, services, investment finance and jobs. This White Paper considers the Government's policy approach towards international trade and investment, based upon its commitment to sustainable development and in the context of an enlarged EU. It addresses the implications of globalisation both nationally and internationally, and sets out the Government's vision of a world trading system which is fair as well as free for all. It contains three sections which focus on: i) the internationalisation of business, markets and production, EU developments, and the experience of developing countries; ii) how to ensure the UK economy benefits from globalisation; and iii) the role of trade and investment in global poverty reduction, including the Doha Development Agenda, market liberalisation in developing countries, international regulation, agricultural trade and development, environmental protection and labour standards, promoting corporate social responsibility, and improving the functioning of the World Trade Organization.