Securing Britain in an age of uncertainty
This strategic defence and security review provides detailed information on how the Government plans to deliver the strategy outlined in "A strong Britain in an age of uncertainty: the national security strategy" (Cm. 7953, ISBN 9780101795326). Chapters cover: national security tasks and planning guidelines; defence; the deterrent; wider security; alliances and partnerships; structural reform and implementation. An adaptable posture is proposed, enabling a flexible response to highest priority risks, maintaining a deterrent, enhancing partnerships, constant review of longer-term risks and uncertainties. Eight cross-cutting national security tasks are identified. An outline force structure, Future Force 2020, is planned for defence. The Army will receive new armoured vehicles and strategic lift aircraft, better communications equipment, and more battlefield helicopters. The role and structure of the Territorial Army and other reserve forces will be reviewed. The Royal Navy will get new vessels, including two new aircraft carriers, though only one carrier will be designed for full operability with allies. The Ark Royal carrier will be decommissioned and Harrier jets phased out as new aircraft are introduced. Royal Air Force capabilities will be based around a fleet of Typhoon and Joint Strike Fighter aircraft with supporting unmanned vehicles and an enhanced air transport fleet. The nuclear deterrent will be maintained, but the number of warheads on each submarine and in reserve will be reduced. Wider security covers terrorism, instability and conflict overseas, cyber security, civil emergencies, energy security, organised crime, border security, counter proliferation and arms control. Alliances and partnerships remain a fundamental part of the approach, including bilateral co-operation and multilateral engagement through NATO and the UN. Structural reform to ensure effective and efficient delivery of the strategy is described. Personnel reduction is to be: 5,000 Navy, 7,000 Army, 5,000 RAF, and 25,000 civilians.