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Classics of Organization Theory
Classics of Organization Theory
This volume collects the most important works in organization theory, as written by the most influential authors in the field. These are the works of the "masters"-and, having withstood the test of time, the ideas presented by each of the works are commonly referenced in the study of organizational theory. This text is designed to help students learn about, understand, and appreciate key themes and perspectives in the field. The authors begin the text by describing what organization theory is, how it has developed, and how its development has coincided with developments in other fields. Each chapter focuses on one major perspective of organization theory, helping students absorb these concepts before moving onto new ones.
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While God is Marching on
While God is Marching on
The American Civil War not only pitted brother against brother but Christian against Christian. This is a study of soldiers' religious beliefs and how they influenced the course of that tragic conflict. It shows how Christian teaching and practice shaped the worldview of soldiers on both sides.
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The most successful first edition of a principles of economics text in Prentice Hall history. The authors build a framework for economic reasoning on the Five Principles of Economics then move the student from memorization to understanding by applying these simple, intuitive and memorable principles repeatedly throughout the text in an "active learning" environment (Economic Experiments, Economic Detective, Using the Tools). The goal is for students to not only think like economists, but to act like economists. The economic analysis is rigorous yet accessible to the average student. The organization is modern and balanced, with equal weight given to Classical (long-run comes first), Keynsian, and Monetarist philosophies, with an effort to show how they are linked. Designed for that majority of students who will not go on to other economics courses, the text also functions as a solid foundation for more advanced courses. PHLIP supported.
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Indian Gaming & Tribal Sovereignty
Indian Gaming & Tribal Sovereignty
Examines Indian gaming in detail: what it is, how it became on of the most politically charged phenomena for tribes and states today, and the legal and political compromises that shape its present and will determine its future.
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If the human soul is made for good, then how do we choose evil? On the other hand, perhaps the human soul is not made for good. Perhaps the magnitude of human depravity reveals that the human soul may directly choose evil. Notably, Thomas Aquinas rejects this explanation for the prevalence of human sin. He insists that in all our desires we seek what is good. How, then, do we choose evil? Only by mistaking evil for good. This solution to the difficulty, however, leads Aquinas into another conundrum. How can we be held responsible for sins committed under a misunderstanding of the good? The sinner, it seems, has simply made an intellectual blunder. Sin has become an intellectual defect rather than a depravity of will and desire. Sin: A Thomistic Psychology grapples with these difficulties. A solution to the problem must address a host of issues. Does the ultimate good after which we all strive have unity, or is it simply a collection of basic goods? What is venial sin? What momentous choice must a child make in his first moral act? In what way do passion, a habitually evil will, and ignorance cause human beings to sin? What is the first cause of moral evil? Do human beings have free will to determine themselves to particular actions? The discussion of these topics focuses upon the interplay of reason, will, and the emotions, examining the inner workings of our moral deliberations. Ultimately, the book reveals how the failure to maintain balance in our deliberations subverts our fidelity to the one true good.
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McGraw-Hill Education Conquering the ACT Math and Science, Third Edition
McGraw-Hill Education Conquering the ACT Math and Science, Third Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A comprehensive tool to help boost your score on the Math and Science portions of the ACT If you’re one of the more than 1.8 million high school students who take the ACT every year and want to boost your Math and Science score, than this is the ideal study resource for you! McGraw-Hill's Conquering ACT Math and Science is the most complete, in-depth review guide available for all of the math and science topics tested on the ACT. The author, an expert ACT instructor, is founder and president of Advantage Education, Inc.—one of America’s most respected providers of school-based test-prep classes. He has prepared thousands of students over the course of 20+ years resulting in strategies that work and are field tested. Score-raising features include: • 4 practice ACT math tests • 2 practice ACT science tests • A diagnostic test for each section to help you assess your strengths and weaknesses • Hundreds of sample questions just like those on the real test with worked-out solutions to every question • Specific arithmetic, algebra, and geometry problem-solving skills carefully explained and demonstrated with numerous examples • Test-smart strategies for answering every math and science question type • Full coverage of ACT multiple-choice and constructed-response math problems. • Valuable tips for using your calculator • Hundreds of questions for test-takers who want to maximize their score on the math and science section • Companion Online Practice Plus website offers additional ACT practice and test information
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McGraw-Hill Education: 10 ACT Practice Tests, Sixth Edition
McGraw-Hill Education: 10 ACT Practice Tests, Sixth Edition
Practice Makes Perfect! Get the practice you need to succeed on the ACT! Preparing for the ACT can be particularly stressful. McGraw-Hill: 10 ACT Practice Tests, Sixth Edition explains how the test is structured, what it measures, and how to budget your time for each section. Written by renowned test prep experts, this book has been fully updated to match the latest test. The 10 intensive practice tests help you improve your scores from each test to the next. You'll learn how to sharpen your skills, boost your confidence, reduce your stress—and to do your very best on test day. Features Include: • 10 complete sample ACT exams, with full explanations for every answer • Updated content matches the new test requirements • In-depth explanatory answers for every question • Scoring worksheets to help you calculate your total score for every test • Free access to additional practice ACT tests online
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McGraw-Hill's 10 ACT Practice Tests, Third Edition
McGraw-Hill's 10 ACT Practice Tests, Third Edition
Helpful practice tests for acing the fastest-growing standardized exam The ACT is growing into the most preferred entrance exam by colleges and universities across the country. So if you want to get into the school of your choice, you need to achieve your best score on the ACT. You need the experts on your side! McGraw-Hill's 10 Practice ACTs offers the most ACT practice available anywhere. It includes 10 complete sample ACTs, with in-depth explanatory answers for every question that act as a mini-review for ACT test topics. NEW! Eye-catching 8-page Welcome section, including 50 Top Strategies for Test Day, ACT Study Plan, Getting the Most from the Tests, Using Online Resources, and more. NEW: Free access to more practice ACT tests online. In-depth explanations for each question. Scoresheets to monitor your progress and predict your score. Topics include: Introduction; Using This Book; Understanding the ACT; Your ACT Study Plan; 50 Top Strategies for Test Day
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