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A Guide to Crisis Intervention
A Guide to Crisis Intervention
In this highly readable guide, Dr. Kristi Kanel provides a model for crisis intervention that can be used as effectively for day-to-day interactions as for "emergency" situations. Addressing crises such as drug abuse, AIDS, death and loss, and victimization and abuse, A Guide to Crisis Intervention is useful for everyone from first-year students to front-line professionals.
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Crisis Intervention Handbook
Crisis Intervention Handbook
As a result of the growing amount of acute crisis events portrayed in the media that impact the lives of the general public, interest in crisis intervention, response teams, management, and stabilization has grown tremendously in the past decade. However, there exists little to no literature designed to give timely and comprehensive help for crisis intervention teams. This is a thorough revision of the first complete and authoritative handbook that prepares the crisis counselor for rapid assessment and timely crisis intervention in the 21st century. Expanded and fully updated, the Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research, Third Edition focuses on crisis intervention services for persons who are victims of natural disasters, school-based and home-based violence, violent crimes, and personal or family crises. It applies a unifying model of crisis intervention, making it appropriate for front-line crisis workers-clinical psychologists, social workers, psychiatric-mental health nurses, and graduate students who need to know the latest steps and methods for intervening effectively with persons in acute crisis.
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How to Prepare for and Respond to a Crisis
How to Prepare for and Respond to a Crisis
This booklet presents information on school-crisis management, based on the work of a New Haven, Connecticut, regional crisis team that was initially created to address the mental-health needs of school children during the Persian Gulf War. The goals of the regional crisis committee were to develop a school-crisis intervention model, train school-district personnel, and promote and coordinate emergency mental-health services and resources. The book presents assumptions and logic necessary for dealing with a crisis; a general model and practical guidelines to prepare schools for crisis situations; and information on implementing a crisis plan in the face of an actual crisis. Suggestions for providing clinical support for students and developing an integrated mental-health delivery system are also offered. Five figures are included. Appendices contain a list of committee members; guidelines for developing a school-crisis plan; and sample plans, forms, checklists, and resources for use in crisis training, preparation, and response, including vignettes for crisis-team planning. (Contains 23 references.) (LMI)
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Disaster Mental Health Counseling
Disaster Mental Health Counseling
This timely book provides current research and skill-building information on Disaster Mental Health Counseling for counselors, educators, students, and mental health responders in agencies, schools, universities, and private practice. Recognized experts in the field detail effective clinical interventions with survivors in the immediate, intermediate, and long-term aftermath of traumatic events. This extensively revised edition, which meets 2016 CACREP Standards for disaster and trauma competencies, is divided into three sections: Disaster Mental Health Counseling Foundations, Disaster and Trauma Response in the Community, and Disasters and Mass Violence at Schools and Universities. Real-world responses to violence and tragedies among diverse populations in a variety of settings are presented, and responders share their personal stories and vital lessons learned through an "In Our Own Words" feature. Each chapter contains discussion questions and case studies are interwoven throughout the text. Requests for digital versions from ACA can be found on To purchase print copies, please visit the ACA website Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA should be directed to
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Crisis Intervention and Prevention
Crisis Intervention and Prevention
Brief but crucial text of vital information concerning crisis intervention and prevention. Readers can hit the ground running with this functional and succinct guide to assessing and reacting to crises. Suicide, homicide, intimate partner violence, sexual assault and abuse, bereavement and grief, substance abuse, natural disaster, war, and terrorism. Students of counseling, pre-service counselors and practicing counselor.
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Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention
Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention, 2/e byLisa Jackson-Cherry and Bradley Erford is the most effective training tool available for various mental health professionals preparing to help in crisis situations. A concise and informative resource for mental health professionals, this textbook is filled with vital information on assessing and reacting to various crises of our time, presenting the most important topics related to successfully intervening and responding in a series of crisis situations that warrant adequate preparation by helping professionals from all subsets of the community. Uniquely, the book includes perspectives and roles of clinical mental health counselors, school counselors, and pastoral counselors when assisting in crisis situations, and includes vital information on assessing and reacting to various crises of our time. Readers will be presented with the most important topics related to successfully intervening and responding in a series of crisis situations that are unfortunately common, but warrant preparation by helping professionals today. The topics cover the basics and overview of crisis intervention, how to react, the essentials of crisis intervention, understanding grief and loss, intervening with clients who are suicidal, the violence between intimate partners, child victims of sexual assault and abuse, adult sexual assault and sexual abuse victims, addressing substance abuse and dependence within the crisis context, emergency preparedness, and counseling military families. The authors also address topics such as death notifications, diagnostic impressions, and homicidal risk assessment, field experiences, and diverse activities, and integrate the approaches from various counseling specialties. Examples and case studies are included in each chapter. Written as a training resource for various mental health professionals in the field including clinical mental health counselors, school counselors, and pastoral counselors, similarly, schools of social work, psychology, and criminal justice will find applicable information for how to address crisis situations. Graduate programs as well as upper level undergraduate programs will find this book an effective tool in teaching crisis intervention to their students.
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Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention
Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention
Written for courses in Crisis Intervention and Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Vital information for mental health professionals on effectively assessing, preventing, and intervening in crisis situations. This text provides crucial help for mental health professionals in assessing and reacting to various crises involving suicide, homicide, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, sexual abuse, bereavement/grief, substance use, natural disasters, wars, and terrorism. Included are practical applications to various crisis situations experienced by counselors and first-hand experiences and perspectives from practitioners working in crisis-intervention situations. The text features a comprehensive crisis task model and numerous crisis situations not found in other crisis texts, and it shows the process as a whole through descriptions of crucial information, clinical considerations, and practical experiences on every crisis topic. Thoroughly current throughout, the new edition includes new chapters addressing counselor safety issues, counselor self-care and wellness issues, and new and expanded chapters addressing Emergency Response in the Community and in Schools. An effective training tool for various mental health professionals in the field, it covers the perspectives and roles of clinical mental health counselors, school counselors, and pastoral counselors when assisting in crisis situations. Similarly, schools of social work, psychology, and criminal justice will find applicable information for how to address crisis situations. Graduate programs as well as upper level undergraduate programs will find the book an ideal text for teaching crisis intervention.
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What Will We Do?
What Will We Do?
The second edition of ""What Will We Do? Preparing A School Community to Cope With Crises"" is a guidebook for educators and parents who wish to understand the importance of both pre- and post-intervention programs in our schools to assist all parties in coping with crises that arise. The book examines the scope and effects (including the potential benefits and possible risks) of programs that target such issues as loss, illness, death, grief, war, and violence. It presents specific steps that can be taken to help prepare a school community to cope with possible future crises. Today's news has shown us with dramatic effect that a crisis can occur at any time, often without warning. Educators and parents must work together if they wish to help young people, and each other, when such a crisis occurs. What Will We Do? is a major step in that direction.
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Crisis and Trauma Counseling: Unique Forms of Helping
Crisis and Trauma Counseling: Unique Forms of Helping
Crisis and Trauma Counseling: Unique Forms of Helping introduces students to the nature of crisis and provides them an overview of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required by mental health professionals to successfully assist in a time of crisis. The book begins by providing readers with a definition of crisis and an explanation of the nature of crisis work. Section I discusses what a crises is and how it differs from other events, why crises have a significant impact on those who experience them, the crisis cycle, an individual's physical, psychological, and emotional responses to crisis, and the unique practice of crisis intervention. Section II teaches students how to assess the severity of a crisis, how to identify clients at risk of self-harm or harm of others, and how to recognize disorders such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, and acute stress disorder. Section III addresses the many faces of crisis, presenting information on intimate violence, disaster recovery, terrorism, mass shootings, and hostage situations. This section also provides students with setting-specific crisis intervention techniques, strategies for developing an identity as a crisis counselor, and an overview of legal and ethical issues in crisis intervention. Written to provide students with a comprehensive look into the world and complex responsibilities of a crisis counselor, this text is ideal for courses in clinical mental health counseling, addiction counseling, social work, family counseling, and school counseling. Eric Owens, Ph.D., is an associate professor and chairperson in the Department of Counselor Education at West Chester University. In addition to teaching, Dr. Owens works in private practice, provides consulting to community and school-based organizations, and is a Red Cross Disaster Mental Health volunteer. He has published on issues related to crisis intervention and trauma counseling, and has presented nationally and internationally on these topics. Prior to joining the West Chester faculty, Dr. Owens worked extensively with people in crisis in community, higher education, and K-12 settings. Richard D. Parsons, Ph.D., is a professor of counselor education at West Chester University. He has had a private clinical practice for over 40 years and serves as a consultant to educational and mental health institutions in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Dr. Parsons has authored or co-authored over 80 professional articles and books, including over 35 professional and graduate level text in the areas of mental health and counseling.
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