A Dictionary of Political Biography
From Churchill, Stalin, and Kennedy, to Blair, Clinton and Mandela, A Dictionary of Political Biography covers all the major figures in world politics of the twentieth century. Compiled by an expert team of contributors under the editorship of Dennis Kavanagh, this new dictionary contains over 1,000 entries which describe and assess the lives of the men and women who have shaped political events across the world. Each entry includes an account of the background, career, and achievements of the individual concerned, balancing fact with critical appraisal. Including entries on Idi Amin, Yasser Arafat, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Slobadan Milosevic, François Mitterrand, Mary Robinson, and Mao Zedong, A Dictionary of Political Biography is an indispensable and authoritative reference for anyone interested in twentieth-century history and politics.