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Complete Wing Chun
Complete Wing Chun
Master the many styles of Wing Chun Kung Fu with this expert martial arts guide. With the fame of Bruce Lee, the conditions in Hong Kong, and the hard work and effort of many of his classmates, the Wing Chun of the late master Yip Man became one of the most well-known and popular Chinese martial arts in the world. Although this gave Wing Chun international recognition, it also led to a lot of misconceptions. Due to a lack of authentic information, many mistakenly came to assume that the renowned Yip Man was the sole inheritor of the style and that his Wing Chun was the lone version of the art. In fact, there are several different and distinct systems of Wing Chun. Unfortunately, over the years most of these systems have remained unseen or unreported to all but a few--until now. Profusely illustrated with over 300 historical photographs, Complete Wing Chun: The Definitive Guide to Wing Chun's History and Traditions presents seldom seen information on a dozen branches of the Wing Chun art. It offers the reader side-by-side comparison of these arts by outlining each system in terms of Wing Chun history, principles, basics, and training methods: Yip Man Wing Chun Yuen Kay-San Wing Chun Kuen Gu Lao Wing Chun Kuen Nanyang Wing Chun Kuen Pan Nam Wing Chun Kuen Pao Fa Lien Wing Chun Kuen Hung Suen Wing Chun Kuen and more!
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Productivity, Efficiency and Economic Growth in China
Productivity, Efficiency and Economic Growth in China
This book provides a detailed insight into productivity, efficiency and growth in the Chinese economy, and offers results on capital stock and ICT capital estimates (at both national and regional levels) which will be an important resource for readers.
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Honor, Shame, and Guilt
Honor, Shame, and Guilt
In this study, Wu explores how the concepts honor, shame, and guilt function in the book of Ezekiel, as well as in the wider contexts of their general use in anthropological or social-scientific approaches to biblical studies. He frames Ezekiel’s key terms for honor (kabod), shame (bosh ), and guilt ('awah) within an analysis of a broad perspective on these terms in the body of the Old Testament as a way of forming the “concept spheres” within which the specific instances of each term in Ezekiel sit. Wu gleans insight from the dominant contemporary definitions of honor, shame, and guilt in the fields of psychology and anthropology and their application to biblical studies, and he reflects on how this broader context informs and is informed by his analysis of Ezekiel. The study concludes by drawing together the implications and contribution of the analysis of Ezekiel and applying them to the development of social-scientific models for the future.
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Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields
A sequel to the well received book, Quantum Mechanics by T Y Wu, this book carries on where the earlier volume ends. This present volume follows the generally pedagogic style of Quantum Mechanics. The scope ranges from relativistic quantum mechanics to an introduction to quantum field theory with quantum electrodynamics as the basic example and ends with an exposition of important issues related to the standard model. The book presents the subject in basic and easy-to-grasp notions which will enhance the purpose of this book as a useful textbook in the area of relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics.
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Race, Immigration, and Social Control
Race, Immigration, and Social Control
This book discusses the issues surrounding race, ethnicity, and immigrant status in U.S. policing, with a special focus on immigrant groups’ perceptions of the police and factors that shape their attitudes toward the police. It focuses on the perceptions of three rapidly growing yet understudied ethnic groups – Hispanic/Latino, Chinese, and Arab Americans. Discussion of their perceptions of and experience with the police revolves around several central themes, including theoretical frameworks, historical developments, contemporary perceptions, and emerging challenges. This book appeals to those interested in or researching policing, race relations, and immigration in society, and to domestic and foreign government officials who carry law enforcement responsibilities and deal with citizens and immigrants in particular.
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The Cloisters
The Cloisters
"By surveying these elaborate tapestries, delicate carvings, and other objects in roughly the historical sequence in which they were created, we glimpse the evolving styles and artistic traditions of the Middle Ages and gain a more meaningful understanding of the contexts in which many of them appeared. Among the masterpieces on display at The Cloisters are the famed Unicorn Tapestries, the richly carved twelfth-century ivory cross associated with the abbey of Bury St. Edmunds, known as the "Cloisters Cross," the exquisite Annuciation triptych by the Netherlandish painter Robert Campin, and many fine examples of manuscript illumination, enameling, metalwork, and stained glass." "Complete with digital color photography, map, floor plan, and glossary, this book is a contemporary guide that will reward students and enthusiasts of the Middle Ages as well as visitors seeing the Museum for the first time."--BOOK JACKET.
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Wave Interactions As a Seismo-acoustic Source
Wave Interactions As a Seismo-acoustic Source
This book gives a comprehensive, theoretical account of the wave-wave interaction process responsible for high acoustic noise levels, including: a geometric description of the interaction mechanism, which provides the basis for a full-wave analysis of the source process, the inclusion of both the monogeneous and inhomogeneous components of the wave-induced pressure field in the analytical description of the source, an examination of the relative contributions of the sum and difference-frequency components of the wave interaction process, the removal of the deep-water assumption of earlier analyses, and the development of an "exact" analytical expression which allows the source function of the wave-induced pressure field to be calculated over the whole frequency-wave number domain.
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