Organic Elemental Analysis
Organic Elemental Analysis: Ultramicro, Micro, and Trace Methods is a 22-chapter text that presents the methods for ultramicro, micro, and trace organic elemental analysis for commercial routine analysis. Each chapter of this book describes the important features of the methods evaluated, such as gas chromatography, wet absorption, spectrophotometry, diffusion, extraction, flame photometry, and dead-stop titration. These methods are classified into dynamic, multielement, and automatic determination methods. The advantages and limitations, as well as the speed, accuracy, reliability and economic aspects of these methods are examined. Considerable chapters are devoted to the analysis of various elements, including carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, chlorine, bromine, iodine, fluorine, and phosphorus. Organic and analytical chemists, as well as chemistry teachers and students will find this work invaluable.