Perfect End
What killed every policeman in Fade Street Station? Their six mutilated bodies were found in the basement, lined up like wine bottles, and there are giant claw marks on the walls. Every object and surface in the station has been wiped clean...and the only witness, a vagrant, claims the murderer was a giant cat who walked like a man. Impossible to believe, yet in William Marshall’s kaleidoscopic vision of Hong Kong, nothing is as crazy or straightforward as it first appears. Detectives Christopher O’Yee and Harry Feiffer are used to investigating bizarre cases, but when they discover that the killer is the master of an ancient weapon, and that four more policemen have gone missing from Fade Street, even they cannot imagine what to expect next. Just to make matters worse, Typhoon Pandora, the storm of the century, is about to make land. The seventh book in William Marshall’s classic series sees the colourful cops of Yellowthread Street drawn into battle against an evil more terrifying than the supernatural... and much closer to home. Join Christopher O’Yee and Harry Feiffer on an unforgettable investigation into police corruption. Prepare for lowlifes, surreal humour, fast-paced dialogue and streetwise action. Praise for the Yellowthread Street series: “Marshall has the rare gift of juggling scary suspense and wild humor and making them both work.” Washington Post Book World “Marshall’s style – blending the hilarious, the surreal, and the poignant – remains inimitable and not easily resisted.” San Francisco Chronicle “Marshall has few peers as an author who melds the wildest comedy and tragedy in narratives of nonstop action.” Publishers Weekly “Marshall is building a growing, iconoclastic body of work that mixes weird fantasy [and] wayward characterization . . . to produce a subtle, charged, atmospheric, lush fiction hybrid sure to satisfy those with a taste for mysteries on the far edges.” Philadelphia Inquirer “Despite the wild humor, Marshall’s stories contain excellent police procedure, real suspense, and fine irony . . . incessantly scary.” Chicago Tribune “Among the best police procedural series on the market.” Detroit Free Press “As an inspired poet of the bizarre, [Marshall] orchestrates underlying insanity into an apocalyptic vision of the future.” New York Times Book Review “Marshall’s novels feature seemingly supernatural events that turn out to have logical, if not precisely rational, origins. He has savage fun with police procedure.” TIME “Nobody rivals Marshall’s ability to expose the links between comic hysteria and the most mundane human foibles, from greed to cowardice to simple funk.” Kirkus Reviews “Moves at the speed of a bullet; don’t read it aloud or you’ll run out of breath.” Chicago Sun-Times