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The Potato
The Potato
"The Potato: A Compilation Of Information From Every Available Source (1912) is a comprehensive book written by Eugene H. Grubb. The book is dedicated to providing readers with a complete understanding of the potato, including its history, cultivation, and uses. The author has gathered information from every available source to create a detailed account of the potato, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in this versatile vegetable. The book covers topics such as the origin and history of the potato, its cultivation, varieties, diseases, and pests, and its use in cooking and nutrition. The author has also included a section on the potato industry, detailing the ways in which potatoes are grown, harvested, and marketed. The Potato: A Compilation Of Information From Every Available Source (1912) is a must-read for anyone interested in the history and cultivation of this popular vegetable." -- description from distributor.
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The Family of John Stone: One of the First Settlers of Guilford, Conn
The Family of John Stone: One of the First Settlers of Guilford, Conn
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
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On Second Thought
On Second Thought
The rich inner world of a human being is far more complex than either/or. You can love and hate, want to go and want to stay, feel both joy and sadness. Psychologist William Miller--one of the world's leading experts on the science of change--offers a fresh perspective on ambivalence and its transformative potential in this revealing book. Rather than trying to overcome indecision by force of will, Dr. Miller explores what happens when people allow opposing arguments from their “inner committee members” to converse freely with each other. Learning to tolerate and even welcome feelings of ambivalence can help you get unstuck from unwanted habits, clarify your desires and values, explore the pros and cons of tough decisions, and open doorways to change. Vivid examples from everyday life, literature, and history illustrate why we are so often "of two minds," and how to work through it.
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Working with Families in Crisis
Working with Families in Crisis
A student in crisis often signifies a family in crisis. When this is the case, school personnel can most effectively help the student by working with the whole family. Although school counselors are constrained by time considerations and a limited scope of responsibility, many times they are the first helping professionals to know there is a problem and they are often the only mental health workers who will come into contact with these families. This volume is written specifically for school personnel. It takes into account the constraints of work in the schools and presents a flexible, time-limited approach for assessing and intervening with families in crisis. The book opens with a discussion of the family from a systems point of view. Functions within the family system that can precipitate a crisis as well as those that can successfully help resolve or manage a crisis are examined. To illustrate the inner workings of the family system, accessible charts and drawings are provided that can be used as tools for assessment. To help counselors tailor their intervention to the particular crisis presented, specific information is provided on families who are dealing with suicide, violence, chemical dependency, and sexual identity issues. The intervention strategies described in WORKING WITH FAMILIES IN CRISIS focus on education and problem solving and are based on crisis intervention theory. Divided into twelve stages of intervention, each stage is described in step-by-step detail. The twelve stages may be incorporated into one session or spread over several sessions permitting the flexibility school counselors need. The book's appendix provides an abbreviated form of each intervention stage and is ideal as a quick reference. Providing a practical and easy-to-implement approach that can be provided within the time constraints and level of involvement school personnel are afforded, WORKING WITH FAMILIES IN CRISIS is an invaluable guide and reference for all helping professionals who work in the school system.
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Literacy Instruction with Disciplinary Texts
Literacy Instruction with Disciplinary Texts
To develop strong disciplinary literacy skills, middle and high school students need to engage with diverse types of challenging texts in every content area. This book provides a blueprint for constructing literacy-rich instructional units in English language arts, science, and social studies. The authors describe how to design interconnected text sets and plan lessons that support learning and engagement before, during, and after reading. Presented are ways to build academic vocabulary and background knowledge, teach research-based comprehension strategies, and guide effective discussions and text-based writing activities. Chapters also cover how to teach students to write argumentative, informative, and narrative essays, and to conduct discipline-specific inquiry. Special features include sample text sets and 24 reproducible planning templates and other teaching tools; purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
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Using Paired Text to Meet the Common Core
Using Paired Text to Meet the Common Core
Teaching students to make connections across related texts promotes engagement and improves reading comprehension and content learning. This practical guide explains how to select and teach a wide range of picture books as paired text--two books related by topic, theme, or genre--in grades K-8. The author provides mini-lessons across the content areas, along with hundreds of recommendations for paired text, each linked to specific Common Core standards for reading literature and informational texts. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes 22 reproducible graphic organizers and other useful tools. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
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