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Estimating Economic Values for Nature
Estimating Economic Values for Nature
Estimating Economic Values for Nature presents, in one volume, a collection of V. Kerry Smith's papers prepared over 25 years dealing with the theory and practice of non-market valuation for environmental resources. Taken together, the papers explore the conceptual basis, the implementation process and empirical performance of all available methods of measuring economic values for the services of nature and how these values are constructed from people's choices. The issues discussed in this volume include travel cost recreation demand, averting behaviour, household production, hedonic property value, hedonic wage and contingent valuation methods. These essays describe what has been learned from past benefit analysis, using meta-analysis, as well as the issues at the frontier of current research in the area. This important volume will be welcomed by environmental and public economists, as well as practitioners of cost-benefit analysis, as an authoritative and comprehensive discussion of non-market valuation.
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Valuing Natural Assets
Valuing Natural Assets
Assessing natural resource damages often requires the use of nonmarket valuation techniques that were developed for use in benefit-cost analyses. Natural resource damage assessment dramatically changes the context for applying them. Two aspects of this context are especially important. First, damages are to be measured by the monetary value of the losses people experience, including their use and nonuse values, because of injuries to natural resources---a process requiring careful delineation of how the injuries connect to the resource's services. Second, a single identified entry---not generalized, anonymous taxpayers---must pay damages based on what is measured, and evaluations of the measurement techniques take place not in agency meeting rooms but in courtrooms. Contributors to Valuing Natural Assets examine the ways in which requirements for damage assessment change how the measures are used, presented, received, and defended. Drawing upon their personal involvement with the process and the research issues it has raised---both in providing analysis for defendants or plaintiffs in damage assessment cases and in writing for academic journals---their chapters reflect individual research programs that temper the rigorous demands of scholarship with the equally demanding standards of litigation.
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The Smoking Puzzle
The Smoking Puzzle
The authors find that smokers tend to be overly optimistic about longevity and future health if they quit later in life. Smokers over 50 revise their perceptions only after a major health shock. If smokers are informed of long-term consequences and are told that quitting can come too late, they are able to evaluate the risks more accurately.
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Television Movies of the 21st Century
Television Movies of the 21st Century
For the major broadcast networks, the heyday of made-for-TV movies was 20th Century programming like The ABC Movie of the Week and NBC Sunday Night at the Movies. But with changing economic times and the race for ratings, the networks gradually dropped made-for-TV movies while basic cable embraced the format, especially the Hallmark Channel (with its numerous Christmas-themed movies) and the Syfy Channel (with its array of shark attack movies and other things that go bump in the night). From the waning days of the broadcast networks to the influx of basic cable TV movies, this encyclopedia covers 1,370 films produced during the period 2000-2020. For each film entry, the reader is presented with an informative storyline, cast and character lists, technical credits (producer, director, writer), air dates, and networks. It covers the networks (ABC, CBS, Fox, Ion, and NBC) and such basic cable channels as ABC Family, Disney, Fox Family, Freeform, Hallmark, INSP, Lifetime, Nickelodeon, Syfy, TBS and TNT. There is also an appendix of "Announced but Never Produced" TV movies and a performer's index.
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Encyclopedia of Television Pilots
Encyclopedia of Television Pilots
On November 27, 1937, NBC presented TV's first pilot film, Sherlock Holmes (then called an "experiment"). Thousands of pilot films (both unaired and televised) have been produced since. This updated and restyled book contains 2,470 alphabetically arranged pilot films broadcast from 1937 to 2019. Entries contain the concept, cast and character information, credits (producer, writer, director), dates, genre and network or cable affiliation. In addition to a complete performer's index, two appendices have been included: one detailing the pilot films that led to a series and a second that lists the programs that were spun off from one series into another. Never telecast pilot films can be found in the companion volume, The Encyclopedia of Unaired Television Pilots, 1945-2018. Both volumes are the most complete and detailed sources for such information, a great deal of which is based on viewing the actual programs.
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Encyclopedia of Television Shows, 1925 through 2010, 2d ed.
Encyclopedia of Television Shows, 1925 through 2010, 2d ed.
This fully updated and expanded edition covers over 10,200 programs, making it the most comprehensive documentation of television programs ever published. In addition to covering the standard network and cable entertainment genres, the book also covers programs generally not covered elsewhere in print (or even online), including Internet series, aired and unaired pilot films, erotic series, gay and lesbian series, risque cartoons and experimental programs from 1925 through 1945.
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The Everything Parent's Guide To Childhood Illnesses
The Everything Parent's Guide To Childhood Illnesses
Written by a recognized M.D. with his own pediatric office, The Everything Parent's Guide to Childhood Illnesses debunks the myths and offers you a trusted reference for recognizing and troubleshooting common childhood illnesses. With this book, you will feel confident that you can handle common ailments and gauge the seriousness of your child's condition. This helpful guide covers newborns to adolescents, offering detailed information and helpful tips on: *Diaper rashes and skin problems *Antibiotics and vaccines *When to worry about a fever *Cold remedies for infants *Bedwetting Dr. Young gives you the straight facts, helping you avoid costly doctor visits and worrisome, sleepless nights. The Everything Parent's Guide to Childhood Illnesses will help you sleep better at night, knowing you have the tools and know—how to raise a happy, healthy child.
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