Who Guards the Guardians and how
"This volume provides much-needed insights into the specific institutional requirements for democratic civilian control of the military. It combines in-depth scholarship with an empirical reach that stretches across several continents and the first world-third world divide. Its contributors represent an ensemble of civilians, soldiers, scholars, and practitioners, whose combined efforts should be of enormous interest to all those concerned with civil-military relations in the democratic world." —David Pion-Berlin, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside The continued spread of democracy into the twenty-first century has seen two-thirds of the almost two hundred independent countries of the world adopting this model. In these newer democracies, one of the biggest challenges has been to establish the proper balance between the civilian and military sectors. A fundamental question of power must be addressed—who guards the guardians and how? In this volume of essays, contributors associated with the Center for Civil-Military Relations in Monterey, California, offer firsthand observations about civil-military relations in a broad range of regions including Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Despite diversity among the consolidating democracies of the world, their civil-military problems and solutions are similar—soldiers and statesmen must achieve a deeper understanding of one another, and be motivated to interact in a mutually beneficial way. The unifying theme of this collection is the creation and development of the institutions whereby democratically elected civilians achieve and exercise power over those who hold a monopoly on the use of force within a society, while ensuring that the state has sufficient and qualified armed forces to defend itself against internal and external aggressors. Although these essays address a wide variety of institutions and situations, they each stress a necessity for balance between democratic civilian control and military effectiveness.