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Concise Introduction to Sport Marketing
Concise Introduction to Sport Marketing
This engaging Concise Introduction offers meaningful insight into sport marketing from the central perspectives of authenticity and engagement. It explores new thinking on a variety of key subjects such as sport participation, fan experience and shared brand equity.
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Trust, Commitment, and Older Women
Understanding older adults' product consumption behavior is of high importance to consumer and marketing research. Prior studies have mainly focused on older adults' cognitive decline and compared their behavior to that of younger consumers. A neglected area of research has been older consumers' brand attachment that is associated with potential differences between consumers in their fifties and in their seventies. In this article, the authors provide insights into the under-researched field of elderly women's brand attachment. Drawing on socioemotional selectivity theory, a shift toward emotional aspects in brand relationships is proposed. A model involving trust and commitment processes is developed and empirically tested in a survey among 341 older women. Moderator analyses reveal significant differences between the “younger elderly” and the “older elderly” in relationships among self-concept connection, partner quality, trust, and commitment. For the younger elderly, how a brand is (based on trust judgments) seems to be more important. For the older elderly, what a brand does in its role as relationship partner becomes more relevant.
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One Label Does Not Fit All
Nutrition labeling literature yields fragmented results about the effect of front-of-package (FOP) nutrition label formats on healthy food choice. Specifically, it is unclear which type of nutrition label format is effective across different shopping situations. To address this gap, we adopt a novel perspective that is informed by the dual-system view of the mind. A systematic review of nutrition labeling literature returned 59 papers that implicitly provide evidence for the dual-system view. Building on the findings of these studies, we conclude that the effectiveness of nutrition label formats is influenced by the consumer's dominant processing system, which itself is a function of specific contexts and personal features (e.g., motivation, nutrition knowledge, time pressure, and depletion). The study applies a situational processing perspective to demonstrate that consumers might prefer different FOP nutrition label formats in different situations and can exhibit varying responses to the same label format across situations. We close by offering suggestions for policy makers and researchers to help improve current FOP nutrition label formats.
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Der Beitrag Der Service-Dominant Logic Zur Weiterentwicklung Der Markenführung (The Service-Dominant Logic's Contribution to Further Develop Brand Management).
Unter Rückgriff auf ausgewählte Prämissen der Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) werden die Erkenntnisse der etablierten modernen und der soziokulturellen Markenforschung strukturiert. Da die SDL eine Integration dieser Ansätze ermöglicht, entsteht eine neue, holistische Perspektive auf das Markenphänomen. Auf dieser Basis werden Ansatzpunkte für eine soziokulturell integrierte Markenführung entwickelt, die neben den Interaktionen von Unternehmen und Konsumenten explizit deren soziales und kulturelles Umfeld berücksichtigt. Drawing on selected premises of service-dominant logic (S-D logic), this article structures the findings of established modern and sociocultural branding research. Since S-D logic allows for the integration of these two approaches, a new holistic perspective on the brand phenomenon emerges. From this basis we derive starting points to developing a concept of socio-culturally integrated brand management. Such a concept explicitly considers the social and cultural environment accompanying company-consumer interactions.
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Agates II
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Erlebniswelten Im Sponsoring (Worlds of Experience in Sponsorship).
German Abstract: Erlebniswelten können im Sponsoring als Ausgangspunkt eines erlebnis-orientierten Zielgruppendialogs dienen. Es werden Empfehlungen für die Auswahl der passenden Erlebniswelt gegeben. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, dass Unternehmen ihren Zielgruppen mit Sponsoring Möglichkeiten zur Wertschöpfung bieten müssen, um sie zu erreichen.
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Was macht Marktangebote wertvoll für Konsumenten - diese Frage gehört zu den wichtigsten im Marketing. Bisherige Ansätze sind jedoch einseitig und fokussieren nur auf Individuum-bezogene Wert-Facetten. Steffen Jahn entwickelt eine Typologie des Konsumentenwertes, die erstmalig die kollektiven Asnpekte des Konsums und deren Bedeutung für das Konsumerlebnis angemessen berücksichtigt. Die Arbeit ermöglicht damit, die Beliebtheit von Facebook, Multi-Player-Computerspielen oder Festivals besser zu erklären. Eine empirische Untersuchung weist zusätzlich nach, dass kollektiv-orientierter Konsumentenwert den Unternehmenserfolg positiv beeinflusst. Damit leistet die Dissertation einen Beitrag sowohl für Marketingwissenschaft als auch -praxis.
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