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Freedoms Gained and Lost
Freedoms Gained and Lost
Reconstruction is one of the most complex, overlooked, and misunderstood periods of American history. The thirteen essays in this volume address the multiple struggles to make good on President Abraham Lincoln’s promise of a “new birth of freedom” in the years following the Civil War, as well as the counter-efforts including historiographical ones—to undermine those struggles. The forms these struggles took varied enormously, extended geographically beyond the former Confederacy, influenced political and racial thought internationally, and remain open to contestation even today. The fight to establish and maintain meaningful freedoms for America’s Black population led to the apparently concrete and permanent legal form of the three key Reconstruction Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, as well as the revised state constitutions, but almost all of the latter were overturned by the end of the century, and even the former are not necessarily out of jeopardy. And it was not just the formerly enslaved who were gaining and losing freedoms. Struggles over freedom, citizenship, and rights can be seen in a variety of venues. At times, gaining one freedom might endanger another. How we remember Reconstruction and what we do with that memory continues to influence politics, especially the politics of race, in the contemporary United States. Offering analysis of educational and professional expansion, legal history, armed resistance, the fate of Black soldiers, international diplomacy post-1865 and much more, the essays collected here draw attention to some of the vital achievements of the Reconstruction period while reminding us that freedoms can be won, but they can also be lost.
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WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Concepts, Planning, and Design Guide
WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Concepts, Planning, and Design Guide
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides information about the concepts, planning, and design of IBM WebSphere® Application Server V8.5 environments. The target audience of this book is IT architects and consultants who want more information about the planning and design of application-serving environments, from small to large, and complex implementations. This book addresses the packaging and features in WebSphere Application Server, and highlights the most common implementation topologies. It provides information about planning for specific tasks and components that conform to the WebSphere Application Server environment. Also in this book are planning guidelines for Websphere Application Server and Websphere Application Server Network Deployment on distributed platforms. It also includes guidelines for WebSphere Application Server for IBM z/OS®. This book contains information about migration considerations when moving from previous releases. This book has been updated with the new features introduced with WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5.
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WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Concepts, Planning, and Design Guide
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides information about the concepts, planning, and design of IBM WebSphere® Application Server V8.5 environments. The target audience of this book is IT architects and consultants who want more information about the planning and design of application-serving environments, from small to large, and complex implementations. This book addresses the packaging and features in WebSphere Application Server, and highlights the most common implementation topologies. It provides information about planning for specific tasks and components that conform to the WebSphere Application Server environment. Also in this book are planning guidelines for Websphere Application Server and Websphere Application Server Network Deployment on distributed platforms. It also includes guidelines for WebSphere Application Server for IBM z/OS®. This book contains information about migration considerations when moving from previous releases. This book has been updated with the new features introduced with WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5.
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IBM WebSphere Application Server V8 Concepts, Planning, and Design Guide
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides information about the concepts, planning, and design of IBM WebSphere® Application Server V8 environments. The target audience of this book is IT architects and consultants who want more information about the planning and designing of application-serving environments, from small to large, and complex implementations. This book addresses the packaging and features in WebSphere Application Server V8 and highlights the most common implementation topologies. It provides information about planning for specific tasks and components that conform to the WebSphere Application Server environment. Also in this book are planning guidelines for WebSphere Application Server V8 and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8 on distributed platforms and for WebSphere Application Server for z/OS® V8. This book contains information about migration considerations when moving from previous releases.
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IBM WebSphere Application Server V8 Concepts, Planning, and Design Guide
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8 Concepts, Planning, and Design Guide
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides information about the concepts, planning, and design of IBM WebSphere® Application Server V8 environments. The target audience of this book is IT architects and consultants who want more information about the planning and designing of application-serving environments, from small to large, and complex implementations. This book addresses the packaging and features in WebSphere Application Server V8 and highlights the most common implementation topologies. It provides information about planning for specific tasks and components that conform to the WebSphere Application Server environment. Also in this book are planning guidelines for WebSphere Application Server V8 and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8 on distributed platforms and for WebSphere Application Server for z/OS® V8. This book contains information about migration considerations when moving from previous releases.
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The Jewish Contribution to European Integration
The Jewish Contribution to European Integration
This edited collection seeks to present a valuable guide to the Jewish contribution to the European integration process, and to enable readers to obtain a better understanding of the unknown Jewish involvement in the European integration project. Adopting both a national and a pan-European approaches, this volume brings together the work of leading international researchers and senior practitioners to cover a wide range of topics with an interdisciplinary approach under three different parts: present challenges, Jews and pan-European identity, and unsung heroes.
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Direito da Seguridade Social - 43a Edição 2025
Nas palavras do Professor Sergio Pinto Martins, “Direito da Seguridade Social é o conjunto de princípios, de regras e de instituições destinado a estabelecer um sistema de proteção social aos indivíduos contra contingências que os impeçam de prover as suas necessidades pessoais básicas e de suas famílias, integrado por ações de iniciativa dos Poderes Públicos e da sociedade, visando assegurar os direitos relativos à saúde, à previdência e à assistência social”. Partindo desse conceito, o autor elaborou a obra Direito da Seguridade Social, ainda no começo da década de 1990, tendo como pilares a Constituição Federal de 1988 e as Leis n. 8.212/91 (custeio) e 8.213/91 (benefícios). O livro, tantos anos depois, em sua 43a edição, agora com o título Direito da Seguridade Social – Direito Previdenciário, mantém-se atualizado e firme em seu objetivo de proporcionar ao estudante e ao profissional um estudo completo e objetivo dessa importante matéria em nosso Direito. Esta edição está de acordo com: Lei n. 14.973/2424, que estabelece regras de transição para a reoneração gradativa da contribuição previdenciária; Lei n. 14.912/2024, que estabelece que os gestores do SUS, em todas as esferas, realizarão campanhas permanentes de conscientização contra a automedicação; Lei n. 14.878/2024, que garante apoio integral à saúde para pessoas idosas carentes residentes em instituições de longa permanência; Lei n. 14.847/2024, que prevê que as mulheres vítimas de violência têm direito a salas de acolhimento exclusivas nos serviços de saúde conveniados ou próprios do SUS; Lei n. 14.809/2024, que estabelece que o auxílio financeiro temporário e/ou indenizações por danos decorrentes de rompimento de barragens não entrarão mais no cálculo para acessar programas assistenciais; Decisão de 2024 do STF nas ADIns 2.110 e 2.111, que questionam a criação do fator previdenciário e a exigência de carência para o pagamento de salário-maternidade para contribuintes individuais. Além disso, inclui ao final de cada capítulo o item “Verificação de Aprendizagem”, com questões para fixação da matéria. ?
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