Doggies PreciousBoy And PreciousGirl Lost In The Woods
Values Enrichment Skills Development teaches individuals to take Positive Action and Think Positively in an objective manner rather than taking adverse action and thinking negatively in a subjective manner in situations they encounter in their daily lives. So many young people today aren’t developing skills that allow them to function as positive individuals, thus becoming irresponsible. This book aims to teach young people how to use Values Enrichment Skills Development to become responsible people and apply those skills in their everyday lives and in the story. Don promised his parents he would take care of Doggies PreciousBoy and PreciousGirl, but he didn’t do this. Because of his carelessness and irresponsibility, the dogs get lost in the woods and cannot find their way home. In addition to learning Values Enrichment Skills Development, as they read the story, the readers play a game that allows them to earn points to become Pet Detectives, and improve their vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, and much more throughout the story. As Pet Detectives, they join Santa Claus and Easter Bunny’s Precious Pet Detective Agency and become responsible people to make sure that they don’t abuse or mistreat animals and that other people don’t mistreat or abuse animals.